As the Brixton Townscape Heritage Initiative funding comes to an end, the final buildings to be transformed will be 19-21 Electric Avenue, with works due to start on site by the end of August 2021.
The long-vacant upper floors will be repaired and brought back into use, with traditional sash windows and restored stonework. The shops below will get high quality traditional-style timber shop frontages, signage and awnings, alongside decorated new shutters.
Other shutters along Electric Avenue have already been enhanced with local artists’ designs under the Electric Patterns project, and the final designs will be installed by the end of summer.
For anyone wanting to discover more of Brixton’s built and cultural heritage highlights, the Hidden Brixton map with a self-guided trail will be launching in August and sent to local households, available online or to pick up in local venues.
Read about all the current projects in development or delivery in Brixton:
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Project lead: Ellie Cook
Electric Avenue
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