This project brings together the council, local residents and voluntary and community sector organisations, Angell Town Estate Residents Management Organisation (RMO), registered social landlords, St John’s Church and St John’s Primary School to establish the need for new and/or improved community facilities, workspace and housing across the estate.
The council is building on work undertaken by a recently formed resident’s reference group by engaging local people to understand what interventions are required to support social participation and cohesion to enhance health and wellbeing, improve employment prospects, and provide training and skills opportunities for local residents, with a particular focus on supporting young people and families.
Outcomes will inform how to make best use of the estate’s empty space in Holles House and Newbury House, unused land on the site of a former boiler house and underused space in the Angell Town RMO, St John’s Church and St John’s Primary School.
Read about all the current projects in development or delivery in Brixton:
Get in touch
Project lead: Sonja Baralic
Angell Town Estate
United Kingdom