Apply for a premises licence

A premises licence is a permanent licence granted in respect of a specific location. It authorises the licence holder to carry on a combination of licensable activities.

Making changes to the licence

As time goes by, it is possible that the licensed business may need to make changes to the licence to reflect its current circumstances.

Applications can be made to vary the licence for things including:

  • changing the layout of the licensed premises
  • providing further licensable activities at the premises
  • increasing the times during which licensable activities can be provided
  • adding, changing or removing conditions imposed upon the licence
  • changing the name or address of the premises licence holder.

Smaller changes that will not have a negative impact upon the licensing objectives may be made using a minor variation application. If, however, the premises licence holder has changed their name or address, you can notify us of this.

Larger changes that may have a negative effect upon the licensing objectives must be made using a full variation application. This must also be used if you wish to increase the hours during which alcohol can be sold, or wish to make substantial changes to the premises.

If the changes are exceptionally substantial, and will completely change the nature of the business, we may instead ask you to apply for a new licence.

Change of ownership

If the business is sold to a new owner, an application can be made to transfer the licence. The previous owner will usually be required to provide a signed form showing that they consent to the transfer of their licence.

Where the business changes hands following the death or insolvency of the previous owner, the transfer application must be made within 28 days to prevent the licence from lapsing. Or, you can submit and interim authority notice. This allows for a further three months for a buyer for the business to be found.