- Planning and building control
Please note this consultation is closed
Background / Proposal
Consultation on the Site Allocations Development Plan Document Proposed Submission Version (SADPD PSV) follows on from a previous consultation on the Draft Site Allocations Development Plan Document under Regulation 18 of the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012 which ran from 10 January to 22 February 2022. The representations received during this consultation have been considered by Officers and informed the SADPD PSV.
The SADPD PSV proposes site-specific planning policies for thirteen sites in Lambeth distributed across the borough.
Once adopted, the SADPD will form part of the statutory development plan for Lambeth, which comprises the London Plan 2021, the Lambeth Local Plan 2021 (PDF 16.4MB) and the Southbank and Waterloo Neighbourhood Plan (PDF 5MB). The SADPD will help deliver homes and workspaces, secure benefits for communities and seek to improve the quality of places and the environment in Lambeth.
Comments are invited on whether the SADPD PSV is legally compliant and meets the tests of ‘soundness’ as set out in the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF). This consultation is in accordance with Regulation 19 of the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012.
To view the SADPD PSV and associated evidence, please visit the Site Allocations Development Plan Document webpage.
Read the formal consultation statement.
After the consultation ends
All representations received will be shared with the Government appointed Inspector who in due course will undertake the Examination of the Site Allocations Development Plan Document.
How to respond
You can have your say by completing the online survey. ‘If you wish to make representations about more than one part of the SADPD or associated Proposed Changes to the Policies Map, please complete an additional survey’.
You can also submit comments to us by:
- email at sadpd@lambeth.gov.uk
- post at
London Borough of Lambeth
Planning Policy and Place Shaping
P.O. Box 80771
London, SW2 9QQ