On 31 October 2024, the council submitted the SADPD PSV to the Secretary of State for Examination in accordance with Regulation 22 of the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012.
Please see the Statutory Notice.
The Regulation 19 SADPD PSV, together with the Schedule of Proposed Modifications, make up the submitted SADPD.
For further information on the SADPD Examination process, please refer to the SADPD Examination webpage.
The Planning Inspectorate provides further information about the examination process in their Procedure Guide for Local Plan Examinations.
The SADPD includes site-specific planning policies for 13 sites proposed for allocation in Lambeth, distributed across the borough.
Once adopted, the Site Allocations Development Plan Document (SADPD) will form part of the statutory development plan for Lambeth.
Alongside the London Plan 2021, the Lambeth Local Plan 2021 (PDF 16.4MB) and the Southbank and Waterloo Neighbourhood Plan (PDF 5MB) and associated planning guidance, the SADPD will help deliver new homes and workspaces, secure benefits for communities and improve the quality of places and the environment in Lambeth.
There is a legal process for the preparation of the SADPD which includes Examination by an independent Planning Inspector.
This Examination is against legal compliance and nationally set tests of ‘soundness’. Only if the Inspector is satisfied with the SADPD, will the council be able to adopt it.
The timetable for the preparation of the SADPD can be found in the latest version of the Local Development Scheme (LDS).
Previous stages in the preparation of the SADPD
Regulation 18 consultation
A Draft Site Allocations Development Plan Document (Draft SADPD) was consulted on under Regulation 18 of the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012 from 10 January to 22 February 2022.
The representations received during this consultation were considered by officers and informed the subsequent Regulation 19 SADPD Proposed Submission Version (SADPD PSV).
For details of the Regulation 18 consultation, please visit the Regulation 18 consultation webpage.
Regulation 19 consultation
Regulation 19 consultation on the SADPD PSV took place from Friday 8 March to Friday 3 May 2024.
A second Regulation 19 consultation took place between Tuesday 18 June and Tuesday 13 August 2024. The consultation is now closed, and any comments received after 13 August 2024 have not been accepted.
All representations received during the consultation have been submitted as part of the Examination material and can be found in the SADPD Examination Library.