Once adopted, the Site Allocations Development Plan Document (SADPD) will form part of the statutory development plan for Lambeth. Alongside the London Plan 2021, the Lambeth Local Plan 2021 (PDF 16.4MB) and the Southbank and Waterloo Neighbourhood Plan (PDF 5MB) and associated planning guidance, the SADPD will help deliver new homes and workspaces, secure benefits for communities and improve the quality of places and the environment in Lambeth.
Consultation on the Site Allocations Development Plan Document Proposed Submission Version has now closed.
Any comment received during the the two periods of representation, from 9am on Friday 8 March to 5pm on Friday 3 May 2024 and from 9am on Tuesday 18 June to 5pm on Tuesday 13 August 2024, will be reviewed by officers and published online, subject to them meeting the standards set out within the SADPD PSV Reg 19 Representation Form Guidance and Privacy Note. Any comments received outside of these periods will not be accepted.
An update will be provided on this page in due course once officers have processed all representations received.
A Draft Site Allocations Development Plan Document (Draft SADPD) was consulted on under Regulation 18 of the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012 from 10 January to 22 February 2022. The representations received during this consultation were considered by officers and informed the SADPD PSV.
For details of the previous consultation, please visit the Regulation 18 consultation webpage.
Regulation 19 consultation
The SADPD PSV includes site-specific planning policies for 13 sites proposed for allocation in Lambeth, distributed across the borough.
Comments were invited on whether the SADPD PSV is legally compliant and meets the tests of ‘soundness’ as set out in the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF)(paragraph 35). This consultation was in accordance with Regulation 19 of the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012.
The following documents were published for consideration as part of the Regulation 19 consultation:
- Lambeth Site Allocations Development Plan Document – Proposed Submission Version (PDF 7.66MB)
- Proposed Changes to the Policies Map (PDF 6.09MB)
- Sustainability Appraisal (for all sites) (PDF 3.3MB) and Sustainability Appraisal Non-Technical Summary (for all sites) (PDF 831.65KB)
- Habitat Regulations Assessment (for all sites) (PDF 538.2KB) and Habitat Regulations Assessment Non-Technical Summary (for all sites) (PDF 323.4KB)
You can view the formal Regulation 19 Consultation Statement of Representations Procedure (PDF 72.01KB) for further information.
For guidance on representations please see our Regulation 19 Stage Representation Form Guidance and Privacy Note (PDF 148.5KB).
Hard copies of each of these documents, form and guidance notes, were also available to inspect at:
- Lambeth Civic Centre, 6 Brixton Hill, London SW2 1EG by appointment only, and
- any of the 10 libraries in Lambeth (Brixton, Carnegie, Clapham, Durning, Minet, Streatham, Tate South Lambeth, Upper Norwood, Waterloo, and West Norwood) during normal opening hours. For more details, visit our libraries directory.
In addition to these key documents, the SADPD PSV evidence base was also made available to review, which includes the following documents:
- Site Selection Evidence Paper (PDF 594.09KB)
- Flood Risk Evidence Paper (for all sites) (PDF 16.29MB)
- Design Evidence Papers:
- Site 1: Royal Street SE1 (PDF 3.33MB)
- Site 2: St Thomas’ Hospital SE1 (PDF 2.34MB)
- Site 3: 35-37 and Car Park Leigham Court Road SW16 (PDF 3.07MB)
- Site 7: 6-12 Kennington Lane and Wooden Spoon House, 5 Dugard Way SE11 (PDF 3.08MB)
- Site 8: 110 Stamford Street SE1 (PDF 1.77MB)
- Site 9: Gabriel’s Wharf and Princes Wharf, Upper Ground SE1 (PDF 3.25MB)
- Site 17: 330-336 Brixton Road SW9 (PDF 3.14MB)
- Site 18: 300-346 Norwood Road SE27 (PDF 2.77MB) and Site 18: 300-346 Norwood Road SE27 Appendix (PDF 4.17MB)
- Site 20: Tesco, 13 Acre Lane SW2 (7.19MB)
- Site 21: 51-57 Effra Road SW2 (PDF 2.89MB)
- Site 22: 1 & 3-11 Wellfit Street, 7-9 Hinton Road & Units 1-4 Hardess Street SE24 (PDF 6.96MB)
- Site 23: Land at corner of Coldharbour Lane and Herne Hill Road SE24 (PDF 4.36MB)
- Site 24: King’s College Hospital, Denmark Hill SE5 (PDF 6.21MB)
- Heritage Impact Assessment (for sites 1 and 2) (PDF 2.63MB)
- Daylight and Sunlight Assessment (for all sites) (PDF 44.99KB)
- Viability Assessment (for all sites) (PDF 1.24MB)
- Regulation 18 Consultation Report (for all sites) (PDF 12.19MB)
- Duty to Cooperate Statements of Common Ground (PDF 10.35MB)
Other background information
The evidence base of the Lambeth Local Plan, which was adopted on 22 September 2021, can be found on the Local Plan evidence base page. Details about the examination of the Local Plan are also available in the Local Plan examination library.