Flooding prevention, reporting and information

Information about flooding in Lambeth — who is responsible, what we have been currently working on and how you can report incidents and seek advice. 

Under the Flood and Water Management Act 2010 Lambeth Council has several statutory duties relating to the management of Local Flood Risk. For Lambeth, this is primarily the risk of flooding from surface water. The duties required include:

  • Providing comments on new developments to the Local Planning Authority on matters relating to the risk of flooding from surface water
  • Providing comments on new developments to the Local Planning Authority on matters relating to the management of surface water runoff
  • Investigating and reporting major flooding incidents
  • Managing flood risk from surface water, groundwater, and ordinary watercourses (non-main rivers)
  • Producing and maintaining a Local Flood Risk Management Strategy (PDF 3.1MB)
  • Consenting works on ordinary watercourses
  • Producing a Surface Water Management Plan (PDF 40.4MB)
  • Enforcing works to maintain the flow on ordinary water courses

Flood risk and Lambeth's Climate Action Plan (CAP)

Due to climate change, Lambeth can expect to become hotter and drier during the summer, but with warmer and wetter winters. This will lead to more extreme weather events such as intense storms and heatwaves, and higher sea levels affecting the River Thames. Climate change also poses many risks to the natural environment, from biodiversity loss, environmental degradation, increased incidence of pests and disease, and flooding.

To adapt to these climate risks, we need to consider a wide range of interventions including ways to minimise flood risk and overheating. Our primary method of achieving this is funding and installing Sustainable Drainage Systems. These are typically vegetation-based features that mimic the natural drainage patterns but have the added benefit of increasing greenery and shade, improving amenity spaces, and supporting biodiversity.

We have set out four goals for adaptation as part of the CAP to help achieve the 2030 vision of making Lambeth neighbourhoods fit for the future. If you would like to find out more information on our CAP Goals for 2030 and what Lambeth, our communities, and businesses are working towards, as well as how you can get involved, visit our Lambeth’s Climate Action Plan webpage (which also includes the executive summary of our plan).

For a more information about the goals, download the Lambeth's Climate Action Plan (PDF 19.8MB) 

For reports and documents on flood risk within Lambeth, visit the flood risk assessment webpage. It includes:

  • Lambeth’s Local Flood Risk Management Strategy
  • an action plan
  • a residents' guide