Heat decarbonisation study

Information on the Heat decarbonisation study

The heating of buildings is the largest source of carbon emissions in Lambeth. These emissions come largely from burning natural gas in boilers. 

The council commissioned a study to identify the measures that can be taken across a wide range of buildings to decarbonise heating, and the costs and benefits of these measures. This study has reviewed all feasible options across all building types in Lambeth, from improved energy efficiency and insulation, to renewable and low carbon technologies like heat pumps. The study reviews the viability of heat networks compared to individual building-level solutions.

The study finds that approximately £3 billion of investment is required in our buildings to electrify heating in Lambeth. This would enable a 98.5% reduction in CO2 emissions, with energy bills marginally reduced compared to a business-as-usual scenario.

The methodology for the study, and a summary of findings, is set out in these slides:

Decarbonising heat in Lambeth (PDF, 12.7MB)

Interactive Map

The council has created an interactive map with information about every building in Lambeth. Buildings are colour-coded according to the amount of energy they require for heating. For each building, information such as the EPC, building age, levels of insulation and heat demand can be viewed. Information about the types of technologies and costs needed to decarbonise the building can also be found.

This map can be accessed via the link below, with instructions on how to use it:

Launch Map