Climate change

Preparing for climate change can help to minimise the risk that it poses.

Increasing energy efficiency can help to address fuel poverty and reduce the threat of climate change.

Action is needed to:

  • reduce carbon emissions (mitigation)
  • prepare London's residents, businesses and visitors for the consequences of climate change (adaptation).

Main impacts in Lambeth

The main impacts of climate change in Lambeth are likely to be:

  • warmer, wetter winters
  • hotter, drier summers (which may be especially hot in dense urban areas)
  • more frequent extreme rainfall events, leading to greater risks of flooding
  • possible intensification of the urban heat island effect
  • increased greenhouse gas concentrations, leading to greater air pollution.

Air quality impact on climate change

Air quality in London continues to exceed objective limits set by law.

Nitrogen oxides (NO) react with organic compounds and carbon monoxide to produce ground-level ozone.

Ozone in the atmosphere warms the planet, while different components of particulate matter (PM) can have either warming or cooling effects on the climate.

Find out more about air quality

Climate change and flooding

In Lambeth, surface water flooding poses a severe threat to a large number of our residents.

The increased likelihood of more frequent extreme rainfall events brings with it an increased risk of flooding which can have implications for human health as well as the structural integrity of buildings.

Find out more about flooding

Becoming carbon-neutral

Lambeth plans to become carbon-neutral by 2030. This is set out in our latest Corporate Carbon Reduction Plan, published in October 2024

Find out more about the Carbon-Neutral Council 2030

Citizens' assembly on climate change

Lambeth funded an independent citizens’ assembly on climate change, to come together and work towards a consensus to reduce the borough’s carbon emissions.

Find out more about the citizens' assembly on climate change

Lambeth's Climate Action Plan 2022

Together with key institutions and the latest research, Lambeth has collated the Citizens' Assembly recommendations into a Climate Action Plan for the borough.

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