Our SuDS programme
The SuDS programme will provide new and improved green spaces on Lambeth’s streets, parks, estates and schools.
Streets: To introduce new or improved green spaces along Lambeth streets to sustainably manage rainfall on impervious surfaces and reduce the risk of flooding downstream.
Parks: To naturally manage rainfall runoff from Lambeth's parks to reduce flood risk to downstream homes and businesses.
Estate Masterplan: To retrofit SuDS within the estate holistically to reduce the risk of flooding downstream.
Estates DLO: To provide small-scale SuDS to introduce biodiversity and greenery to the estates, while reducing the risk of flooding downstream
Schools: To provide sustainable drainage to Jessops and Sunnyhill schools to reduce their flood risk, and to also reduce the flood risk downstream. This is particularly important due to the large extent of hard surfaces in the school grounds, and their risk of flooding from surface water.
You can read more about each of the schemes, find the designs and upcoming engagement sessions on the Lambeth SuDS engagement website.