What are Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS)?
Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS) can be groups or individual features that manage rainwater to minimise flooding and pollution in a way that mimics natural processes, while providing wider benefits.
They mimic the natural water cycle by allowing water to be collected in the ground, stored, and then slowly released back into the drains. Some SuDS can be designed to release the water into the soil through a process called infiltration and remove the need for drains.
Lambeth's clay soil prevents the use of infiltrating SuDS and so the borough will always be heavily reliant on the combined sewer network to drain.
Good SuDS design seeks to provide four pillars of benefits:
- water quality
- water quantity
- biodiversity, and
- amenity
These, respectively, reduce pollution, reduce the risk of flooding, provide more greenery and habitats, and improve landscape aesthetics. This supports overall environmental resilience in urban areas.
What are the benefits of SuDS?
There are many benefits of SuDS, they:
- slow down the flow of surface water run-off
- reduce the risk of sewer flooding during heavy rain
- reduce water pollution
- recharge groundwater to help prevent drought
- provide valuable habitats for wildlife in urban areas
- create green spaces for people in urban areas
- reduce the 'urban heat island' effect in built-up areas and help to improve air quality
For more information about SuDS in London, visit The Drain London Partnership on the Greater London Authority website.