Lambeth Disrepair Arbitration Scheme

A guide for tenants and leaseholders on how to apply for the scheme and resolve a disrepair.

How does the scheme work

The Disrepair Arbitration Scheme is a straightforward process and designed to be less stressful than going to court.

Here is a step-by-step-guide to how it works.

  1. You will be required to complete a simple application form
  2. The form should set out the issues in dispute, your loss in financial terms, and include any relevant documents such as details of complaints you’ve raised and what’s happened to date. 
  3. If you have already appointed a lawyer and submitted a claim, the council will meet reasonable legal costs (up to £2,000) to enable continued support. 
  4. The arbitrator may ask for more information and will often appoint an independent expert witness to confirm the details of your application.
  5. There usually won’t be a need for a hearing, but if you specifically want one, the arbitrator will take that into consideration.
  6. The arbitrator will make a decision based on the paperwork, or a hearing if one is granted.

The arbitrator’s decision is completely confidential and binding for both you and the council.