Major works to your home

We carry out major works in order to maintain and improve our housing stock.

Section 20 consultations

Stage 1 - Notice of intention

We write to each leaseholder and tenants’ and residents’ association (if one exists) who may be affected by the contract, with:

  • a description of the proposed works and why we think they are necessary
  • an invite to nominate a contractor from whom we should obtain a quote (where a contract is to be advertised in the European Union (EU), homeowners are not able to nominate a contractor)
  • an offer to allow homeowners 30 days to send us their observations in writing.

Stage 2 - Landlord’s proposal

We write to each leaseholder and tenants’ and residents’ association who may be affected by the contract and provide:

  • details of the proposed contract - for contracts advertised within the EU only one proposal is required, but for all other contracts we must provide at least two estimates
  • if possible, the estimated contribution payable by homeowners, or the reasons why this information cannot be provided at this stage - when this information is available we must provide it to homeowners within 21 days
  • a summary of the observations we received, if any, at Stage 1 and our responses to them
  • 30 days for homeowners to send us written observations about the estimates.

Where a contract has not been advertised in the EU, we must send a further consultation notice to homeowners.

Stage 3 - Award of contract

If the contract is not awarded to the contractor who provided the lowest estimate, or a contractor who was nominated by homeowners, we write to each leaseholder and tenants’ and residents’ association who may be affected by the contract and tell them why we have awarded the contract.

We also provide a summary of the observations we received (if any) at Stage 2 along with our responses to them. Throughout the consultation process, we will consider the observations raised by homeowners.

Watch our You Tube video for more information on Section 20 notices.