Repair timescales
The target time for the repair depends on its risk and urgency.
Emergency repairs
We will attend to make a repair safe within two hours and fix the repair within 24 hours when you report an emergency repair that:
- is a risk to residents’ and visitors’ health and safety
- may damage the building or security to your home.
These repairs could include making safe and repairing:
- flooding that is damaging a property
- gas escape
- damage to your front door that makes your home insecure.
Emergency repairs that are not a risk to health will be repaired within one working day. These would include repairs to fix:
- lift breakdown
- total loss of electrical power
- total loss of mains water supply.
Urgent repairs
We will attend within three working days, unless otherwise stated.
Non-urgent repairs
We will respond to non-urgent repairs within seven working days, unless otherwise stated.
Routine repairs
We will respond to a routine repair within 28 working days, unless otherwise stated.
Planned repairs
We will respond to a planned repair within 90 working days, unless otherwise stated.
For more details on what repairs fall into these categories, read the repairs manual on the first page.