FAQs about leaseholder’s insurance
My mortgage lender has advised that I should insure the building through them, but is this possible?
No, under the terms of your lease, Lambeth as the freeholder is responsible for insuring the building.
Will my cover change if I sublet my property?
Yes, you will no longer have accidental damage cover. Accidental damage cover is excluded from the policy whilst the property is lent, let or sublet in whole or part to someone other than the owner.
Will my premium change if I sublet my property?
No, subletting your leasehold property will not affect your premium. It is important that you complete the online Subletting your home form.
If you prefer to complete a hard copy, you can obtain one by contacting either:
- the Risk and Insurance section at: riskandinsurance@lambeth.gov.uk
- Homeownership at Lambeth on 0207 926 6524 or by emailing HMhomeownership@lambeth.gov.uk.
Send the completed form to: Risk and Insurance, London Borough of Lambeth, PO Box 80771, London, SW2 9QQ.
Failure to notify of a sublet property could invalidate the building insurance policy of that property.
What excess do I have?
The current policy has a £500 excess for all claims except £1,000 in respect of subsidence, which will apply per unit of accommodation.
Another leasehold property is leaking into my leasehold property. What shall I do?
A leak from a leasehold property into another leasehold property is a matter between the two owners. If you experience a leak, please speak to your neighbour about it and contact NIG Insurers on 0800 051 0233.
There is a leak from a communal source (roof/communal water tank) into my leasehold property. Who do I contact?
Contact NIG on 0800 051 0233 and notify Housing Management on 020 7926 6000 of the leak. Lambeth will repair the source of the leak and provide a job order number to the leaseholder. The leaseholder should then pass on the job order number to NIG as proof of completion.
My leasehold property is leaking into a tenanted property. What do I do?
Arrange a plumber to fix the leak and advise NIG of the incident within a 90-day notice period.
The tenant must report the leak to Housing Management. Lambeth will arrange repairs to the tenanted property.
Lambeth may send an invoice for the works to the tenanted property, but the tenant should redirect this to the leaseholder for reimbursement. If the leaseholder has informed their insurers of the incident, they should arrange reimbursement.
Any damage caused to the belongings of a tenant does not fall within this policy and must be claimed for directly from the leaseholder.
Is my boiler covered under the building’s insurance policy?
No, the damage caused by the water from the boiler is covered, such as damaged flooring, but not the boiler.
My pipe has burst. Am I covered?
If a pipe bursts, you are covered for the damage that the water causes but not for the repair of the pipe.
My pipe is leaking. How is it located?
When tracing the leak of the pipe, the digging up of concrete and the repairing is covered by the insurer. There is a £6,000 limit for trace and access. The repair of the pipe when found is not covered.
Tracing a gas leak is not covered. You should contact your gas supplier on their emergency number, which can usually be found on a statement or bill.
What can I do to prevent escape of water in my property?
When you leave the home for any length of time, especially during the winter months, and it is to remain unoccupied turn off the water system and drain it.
Make sure you lag your exposed water pipes and tanks. Do not insulate under a water tank, as this may cause the water to freeze.
Should your pipe work show signs of freezing, thaw them out slowly. Do not use a blow lamp or other naked flame.
Make sure you know where the stop cock is and that it works.
Escape of water damage is excluded from the policy after the property has been unoccupied for more than 30 consecutive days.