Education, Schools and Learning

You can search for mainstream and specialist schools below. Our directory contains the location, contact details, Ofsted grading and SEN information reports for education providers across Lambeth.

For help starting school, you can find admissions information about getting your child into a school in Lambeth.

Find additional information about Lambeth school term times, exclusions and free school meals.

For children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities, our SEND Local Offer contains more information about SEND support at school/college and Education, Health and Care (EHC) Plans.

Maintained Nursery Schools

Local authority funded nurseries for 2 - 5 year olds

Maintained school nursery classes

Nursery classes operating in Primary Schools

Children learning at explore learning
Primary schools

Mainstream school options for 5-11 years olds

Primary special schools

Specifically designed to cater to 5-11 year olds with SEND, providing tailored education and support

Primary resource bases

Specialist resource bases provide children with the extra support they need within a mainstream primary school

Secondary schools

Mainstream school options for 11-16 years olds

Secondary special schools

Specifically designed to cater to 11-16 year olds with SEND, providing tailored education and support

Secondary resource bases

Specialist resource bases provide young people with the extra support they need within a mainstream secondary school

Sixth forms and colleges

Secondary schools and colleges providing further education for 16-19 year olds

16 - 19 specialist provision

Preparing young people for adulthood, helping them develop the skills needed for independent living, employment, and further education

Out of school tuition

Additional educational support outside school hours

Two women working in a studio
Volunteering and work experience

Further opportunities to learn and gain real life experience to prepare for future independence and employment