I'm a parent or carer
All the information you need to take you from early years to work, including EHC Plans, school, help with travel, specialist support, health and social care, community and leisure.
We want your help with the new Local Offer. What's good? What could be better? We want to know what you want to see on your Local Offer pathway.
The SEND review and a new approach to inspections
Find out the latest on the SEND Review and Oftsed and CQC's proposals to change the way they inspect local area SEND arrangements.
In this short film, three parents talk about why the Local Offer pages have been so useful to them.
If you want to know about pre-school SEND support, the Early Years SEN Service for children with complex needs or autism, and how to apply for the Early Years Inclusion Fund, you're on the right path.
What's the graduated approach? What help is there for travel? What's a SENDCO? What happens after 16? Follow this path to find answers.
Find out about EHC assessments and review, the EHC Hub, choosing and moving schools, how to appeal decisions and more.
If you want to know about educational psychologists, the Autism Pathway, sensory support and other specialists services, this is the path to follow.
Find out about health and social services, like short breaks, that can support a child or young person with special educational needs and disabilities.
SEND activities and library provision around Lambeth