What is EHC Hub? 

Lambeth’s SEND Team is changing the way it processes requests for Education, Health and Care Needs Assessments, how it issues and maintains Education, Health and Care Plans (EHCPs), and how it reviews and monitors those EHCP’s. 

The SEN Team has been a paperless service for some time.  We have now launched an online portal called the EHC Hub.  The EHC Hub is a digital platform for families, professionals, and education settings to engage, contribute and collaborate on EHC assessments, plans, and reviews. 

The EHC Hub portal will streamline current processes provides users with an open, transparent system that engages parents, carers, settings, and professionals.

The EHC Hub assists the LA with its commitment

The Hub allows parents and carers to track their child/Young Person’s assessment and see who has will provide support and advice. Registered parents/carers are able to upload their own comments and views, including photos and videos as part of the EHC needs assessment or annual review process.  The child/Young Person is also able to contribute in this way. (Please note the system can attach many videos but they should be no longer than 3 minutes in length each). The child/Young Person’s educational setting and any professional working with them will also register and contribute their views within the EHC Hub. They can upload reports so that relevant and up to date information is shared with you, the SEN Team, and the other professionals involved.  The portal will ensure that parents/carers and anyone working with the child/Young person has access to the same information, at the same time, reducing the need for information to be repeated.

Tell us once 

The EHC Hub provides transparency about decisions with information that is clear and accessible to all those involved in the assessment or review process with those involved having access to decisions as soon as they are made. 

Children, young people, and their families will remain at the heart of the EHC process, and using the EHC Hub to conduct assessments and reviews supports this.   Regular feedback will be obtained from professionals and families to ensure that we uphold our commitment to ensure that the experience of children and young people with SEND and their families improves as a result of professionals’ ability to access detailed and accurate information about their needs and to coproduce good quality EHCP’s. 

We have been working with settings and families in piloting annual reviews meeting and processing new requests for assessment.  The feedback continues to shape our development of the EHC Hub. 

This page tells you about the new EHC online hub and how to use it. 

You can also watch videos to help you. 

For Parents / Young People / Contributors / Settings 

If you require information in a different format or more help email