Lambeth’s Area SENDCO Team focuses on early intervention, helping schools to ensure that the right support is in place for children and young people at the right time.
We can support with:
- the observation of a child or group of children and recommendations
- recommending or delivering screening assessment tools for individual children
- developing and reviewing SEN support plans
- developing and reviewing risk assessments
- developing integration plans for children or young people on part-time timetables
- signposting to Lambeth’s outreach services
- gathering evidence towards a requests for an EHC needs assessment
- meetings with parents (e.g. annual reviews where a change of provision or placement is being requested)
We run SENDCO Network meetings for School SENDCOs and Early Years SENDCos.
Our Area SENDCO Team also regularly attend the Lambeth Parent Forum meetings and liaise with the Lambeth IASS.