I have autism and need lots of extra help with learning

If you have autism and need lots of help with learning (this is called having moderate or severe learning needs), your care will change when you turn 18 years old. 

Depending on what support you need, you will move from the Evelina team to either the:

Adults with learning disabilities service

The Adults with learning disabilities service supports people with learning disabilities and their family to stay healthy in Lambeth. The service includes:

  • occupational therapists who can help you learn new skills
  • physiotherapists who can help you sit and lie down comfortably and help you if you have problems walking
  • audiologists who can test how well you hear and help you keep your ears healthy
  • speech and language therapists who can help you to communicate and to eat and drink safely
  • community nurses who can help you learn about and improve your health 

Mental health and learning disabilities (MHLD) service

The Mental health and learning disabilities service (MHLD) might help you if you have a learning disability and need support with your mental health. They may suggest that you have some therapy or might suggest medication to help you. 

You can watch a video about the team below to find out more information.

Your doctor (GP) will also look after you in adult services. They will make sure you have a health check every year. 

You can read more about annual healthchecks in Mencap's easy read guide to annual health checks

You can also watch the video below to find out more about what will happen at an annual health check.