The Disability Register
The Disability Register is a voluntary register of children and young people from birth to 18 years of age who live in Lambeth and have a disability or special educational need. Once you have registered, you will receive a Lambeth Liberty Card.
The Liberty Card is a handy form of ID where disabilities are not always obvious, and it reduces the need for lengthy explanations when seeking assistance. It will also allow the card holder to receive discounts from providers locally and across the UK.
The Register helps us and local health services understand how many children and young people with a disability live in the borough, and the types of needs they have.
This information helps us to provide appropriate services and support.
Signing up to the Register enables us to target and direct information which is specific and relevant to your child and family's needs and interests.
Is the register for my child?
Children and young people are eligible to be on the register if they are 0-18 years old, live in Lambeth, and have a special need from either a disability or a health condition, including:
- visual or hearing impairments
- physical disability
- learning disability
- long-term illness
- social communication or development disorders such as autism, Tourette’s, Asperger's or dyspraxia.
Find out more about the Children and Young People’s Disability Register.
What are the benefits of registering?
When a child or young person is signed up to the Register, they'll receive a Lambeth Liberty Card which identifies them as having a disability.
This card is acknowledged and supported by a number of local and national attractions, companies and facilities who will offer discounts or queue jumps to disabled children and young people and their carers.
Organisations accepting Lambeth Liberty Card (PDF 920KB)
Wider benefits
We'll use the information on the Register to plan services to ensure that resources are used effectively.
The Register provides an opportunity for us to hear from children, young people, parents and carers about how to improve the delivery of information, advice and support.
This enables us to work together to develop better outcomes for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities in Lambeth.
Your views are very important to us. We'll use your views to improve and develop services to achieve better outcomes for children and young people with disabilities in Lambeth.
Do I have to register my child?
Registration is voluntary and your child will not be registered without parental consent. You can remove your child or young person’s name by contacting us directly.
You don't need to be on the Register in order to be assessed or receive services.
Registration doesn't automatically mean that your child is eligible for services as all children need to be assessed individually.
How secure is my information?
The Register is kept on a computer. Statistical information (figures only with no names) is given to organisations who ask for it.
Personal information can only be given to certain people in health, education or social services who need to know it. We won't share any information if parental consent hasn't been given.
How do I register?
A parent, carer or guardian will need to complete the form for children aged 0-15 years.
You can fill in the application form yourself if you're a disabled young person aged 16-18 years old.
Download the Lambeth Liberty Card application form
If you would prefer a paper version of the application form, you can request a copy to be sent to you by contacting:
Tracy Imms,
Special Education Needs (SEN) Service, Education, Learning and Skills,
Lambeth Council,
PO Box 734,
Winchester, SO23 5DG.
Telephone: 020 7926 9140