Education, Health and Care (EHC) Plans

Information about education, health and care plans, solving disagreements, finding the right school and college places and education personal budgets.

How do EHC plans work?

All about Education Health and Care (EHC) plans, assessments and reviews. Why they might be needed, how assessments work and how plans change over time. What is the EHC Hub?

Annual reviews

EHC plans need to be reviewed every year to make sure they are still fit for purpose. How does that work?

Choosing and moving schools and colleges with an EHC Plan

Find out how we work with parent, carers and young people to get the right school or college. 

What if you don't agree with our decisions

Find out how to ask for changes to our decisions, what mediation is and what appeals are.

Education outside Lambeth

Where to go to find out about nurseries, schools and post 16 education in the boroughs around Lambeth.