There are many types of housing for young people with SEND. There's also lots to think about and planning to do.
You may decide you want to carry on living with your family, and your family can support this. Or, you may decide you would like to try and live on your own or with friends.
But it's not as simple as just finding somewhere to live. There are things you and your family need to consider. Depending on your choices, the time scales for putting things in place can vary a lot.
Planning for this transition early enough is important, and should be started at a preparation for adulthood EHC plan review in year 9. It's important that the right people are part of the review, depending on your needs and what you think you would like for your future.
Read about things you may need to know when you are doing this planning in the paths below.
Social housing or private renting? Sheltered housing or extra care housing? Shared ownership schemes or buy to rent? There’s a lot of choices to make. This path will help you understand.
Moving from the family home to live independently could end up being a lonely experience, especially if you find it hard to make new friends.
Advice on how to improve your home to meet your needs.
If you prefer a housing type that does not include support, there are still support options available.
You might have had a try at living away from the family home, or it might be completely new to you. Either way, you might need to learn some new skills. Follow this path to find out more.
With all of the choices made, it is now important to plan how this package will be paid for, and who might need to be involved to help make this happen.