Many children and young people experience some difficulties during their years in education. We help children and young people, their parents or carers and those teaching them, to understand and resolve what is causing a barrier to their progress.
The Lambeth Educational Psychology Service is a team of professionals trained in education, psychology and learning, to masters or doctorate level. Many have also worked as teachers in mainstream and special schools. Educational psychologists specialise in understanding how children and young people learn, think and behave.
What we do
Educational psychologists work with children and young people from birth to 25 years. We may meet with the child or young person individually or as part of a group, and will always work with the people who know and support the child. This is usually the child's parents, teachers and other involved professionals.
As a parent or carer, your knowledge is important in helping us to understand your child's strengths and difficulties, and identify ways to support them. You will always be actively involved in discussions, decision-making and actions.
As young person, we will always listen to your views and wishes, and take them into account when decisions are made.
Before we begin working with your child, your permission will be asked for and you will be asked to sign a written consent form.
When a young person is 16 years or older, then they must be asked for their consent before a referral to the educational psychology service will be accepted.
Who we work with
Educational psychologists usually work with:
- children and young people
- parents, carers and family
- doctors and nurses
- family support workers
- occupational therapists and physiotherapists
- special educational needs teams
- speech and language therapists
- teaching staff.
All of our educational psychologists are knowledgeable about autism, as it is part of their initial training and continued professional development.
We have a senior specialist for autism who has advanced knowledge in this area and supports our special schools as well as delivering EarlyBird groups to parents in partnership with the Early Years SEN Team.
Getting support
If you think your child would benefit from involvement with an educational psychologist, talk to the special educational needs coordinator (SENCO) at your school or pre-school setting.
They will consider the issues raised and work with you and your child to address your concerns.
Educational psychology support may be sought when school intervention has been unsuccessful, and, or when, further advice and guidance is needed.
Contact us
If you have a question or you need to get in contact with us, please use the details below.
- Email:
- Phone: 020 7926 9658
- Write to us at: Educational Psychology Service, Education, Learning and Skills, London Borough of Lambeth, PO Box 80771, London, SW2 9QQ