I'm a professional
This is a great place to come if you're supporting children and young people with SEND and their families. Currently most links lead to their dedicated pages, but we are now developing dedicated paths for professionals as well. We want your help. Tell us what you want to see.
The SEND review and a new approach to inspections
Find out the latest on the SEND Review and Oftsed and CQC's proposals to change the way they inspect local area SEND arrangements.
School staff talk about how the Local Offer ages help them support children and young people they work with.
A new set of pages aimed at SENDCOs. Follow this path to find guidance, essential documents and information to support staff working in schools and colleges.
Information and resources for professionals who support pre-school children with SEND.
What's the graduated approach? What help is there for travel? What's a SENDCO? What happens after 16? Follow this path to find answers.
Helping someone make choices about life after school? Are they learning to manage money? Maybe they want to know about leaving home and living independently? This is the right path to take.
Find out about health and social services that can support a child or young person with SEND, like continuing care, the Children with Disabilities and Short Breaks services and more.
Follow this path to use Family Information Directory searches and the Local Offer young people's pages and help children and young people get out, have fun and stay safe.