When a child or young person lives close to the border with another local authority, the closest provider could be in that borough. For children with SEND, there also may be a specialist provision in another borough to consider for your child.
To help find information about education and childcare in nearby local authorities, use the list below. It also provides a link to each borough’s list of schools and SEND Local Offer.
- Croydon Family Information Service
- Phone: 020 8726 6400 (Option 5)
- Email: child.care@croydon.gov.uk
- For SEN education provision, visit the Croydon SEN provision.
- For schools located in Croydon, visit the Croydon schools directory.
- Croydon Local Offer
- Lewisham Family Information Service
- Phone: 020 8314 8567
- Email: fis@lewisham.gov.uk
- For SEN education provision please visit Lewisham SEN provision.
- For schools located in Southwark visit the Lewisham schools directory.
- Lewisham Local Offer
- Southwark Family Information Service
- Phone: 0800 013 0639
- Email: family.info@southwark.gov.uk
- For SEN education provision, visit Southwark SEN provision.
- For schools located in Southwark visit the Southwark schools directory.
- Southwark Local Offer
- Wandsworth Family Information Service
- Phone: 020 8871 7899
- Email: fis@wandsworth.gov.uk
- For SEN education provision, visit the Wandsworth SEN provision.
- For schools located in Wandsworth, visit the Wandsworth schools directory.
- Wandsworth Local Offer
- Westminster Family Information Service
- Phone: 020 7641 7929
- Email: fis@westminster.gov.uk
- For SEN education provision in Westminster please visit special schools in Westminster and resource bases in Westminster.
- For schools located in Westminster, visit the Westminster schools directory.
- Westminster Local Offer