Post-16 school and college in Lambeth

When you reach 16 years old, you can choose to stay at your current school if it has a sixth form and can offer you the right courses. You can choose to go to another school sixth form or a sixth form college. You can also choose a further education (FE) college.

Most of Lambeth's secondary schools have sixth forms. You can find out about them using the Family Information Directory.

Post-16 special education in Lambeth

There are four special schools and four mainstream schools with specialist resource bases in Lambeth that provide post-16 education for young people with special educational needs and disabilities.

Post-16 special schools in Lambeth

  • Elm Court School - for students aged 16-19 years who have learning difficulties with associated social and communication needs. Many of their pupils have autism. 
  • Heron Academy - for young people age 16-19 with profound and multiple learning difficulties. 
  • Lansdowne School - for young people aged 16-18 with learning difficulties with an associated autistic spectrum disorder (ASD).
  • Turney School - for students aged 16-18 with autism and complex learning difficulties.
  • The Vanguard School - For students on the autism spectrum in Lambeth and neighbouring boroughs.

Mainstream schools with resource bases for 16 to 18 year-olds

Post-16 further education in Lambeth

Lambeth College - the main post-16 FE provider in Lambeth. It offers a range of courses that may meet your needs. This includes programmes specially created for young people with SEND, in order to provide pathways to employment and independence. Young people with SEND can also join mainstream courses with appropriate support to promote success.

Nido Volans - Lambeth - for young people aged 19-25 with severe learning difficulties and profound and multiple learning difficulties. They offer programmes designed to give students the skills, personal development and qualifications they need to work and live with greater independence.

The Park College - A specialist college providing training programmes for young people with autism and moderate learning difficulties aged 19 – 25. They offer programmes designed to give students the opportunity to move in to employment.

Roots & Shoots - a specialist vocational education provider for 16-24 year olds. They offer programmes tailored to individual learning needs and employment goals on their Foundation Learning Programme. This includes vocational strands, Retail Skills, Floristry and Horticulture Skills. English, maths and ICT training is available from Entry to Level 1.

Education and training providers outside of Lambeth

There are also some other specialist education and training providers not in Lambeth, but based in nearby areas.

These include:

Natspec (The Association of National Specialist Colleges) have a list of specialist colleges on their website where you can search for the college that will best help you meet your goals.

Travelling to college

Children and young people up to 19 years old with an education, health and care plan, or a statement of special educational needs, can get help travelling to college from the SEND Transport Service.

Oyster cards

If you don't have a disabled persons' Freedom Pass, you can get a 16+ Zip Oyster photocard or an 18+ Student Oyster photocard to get discounts and free travel on TfL and other rail services in London.

Find out more about:

Download our 16-19 SEND transport policy