Preparing for adulthood strategy

From the age of 14, having a Preparing for Adulthood (PFA) framework in place for them becomes really important. This strategy recognises that the different way services work can make transition into adult life difficult for young people, their families and people working with them. Different practices, access points and transition plans cause confusion and young people, and their families, can lose confidence in what is happening.

Four priorities

The Local Area partners will seek to support young people to achieve the best possible outcomes in adulthood by prioritising:


  • Identify a range of pathways from statutory education into work matched to the range of needs of young people with SEND.
  • Set up a Supported Employment Partnership that will identify and deliver supported work-based education and training that will help young people with SEND, and other vulnerable learners, to move into paid employment.
  • Make sure that vulnerable learners who are leaving care or known to the Youth Offending Service
  • have any learning needs identified, assessed, and supported.


  • Making the plans for young people transferring from children to adult’s social care clearer.
  • Developing pathways and support for young people who will not be supported by adult social care.
  • Develop programme of cross-borough opportunities for young people to develop key life skills, e.g., travel, money management, self-care, healthy living and independent living.

Friendships, relationships and community engagement

  • Create wider access to more inclusive social and leisure activities, including after-school/college and holiday clubs, for young people whose needs are currently not being met.

Good health

  • Ensure stronger links between CAMHS and Adult Mental Health Services to support young people through transition between services.
  • Improve pathways and information for young people with complex health needs who are moving into the care of primary health care teams, like their local doctor.
  • Address the gap in services for adults with attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and autism spectrum disorder (ASD).

Read the Preparing For Adulthood Strategy