Healthy ageing

A description of the health and wellbeing of adults in later life, as well as the end of life.

Lambeth JSNA materials

We describe how the 50+ population of Lambeth are living and what can be done to improve outcomes. 

Older people's profile 

This data profile provides information and statistics on the characteristics, needs, and challenges of older residents in Lambeth. It uses data from multiple sources and describes, health, wellbeing, social care, income, and housing.

The full profile is 5 sections, which is divided into individual sections and a summary document for better comprehension.

The older people's health data profile (PDF, 17MB)

There is also a shorter document from the older people's health profile to emphasise the main points and suggestions for improving older people's health and well-being, and to provide a useful resource for planning and decision making.

Summary of the Lambeth OPP data profile 2024 (PDF, 1.9MB)

The 50 plus population of Lambeth

This section aims to provide a comprehensive profile of the demography and life expectancy of this age group by integrating data from ONS Census 2021 and OHID indicators. It describes factors shaping the lives of individuals aged 50 and above in Lambeth.

The demography uses data from the ONS Census 2021.  This subsection explores the demographic composition of Lambeth's 50 plus  population. It details key demographic indicators, including age distribution, gender ratios, and ethnic diversity. While the census provides a robust foundation, it's crucial to be aware of potential reporting variations and changes in community dynamics that may influence demographic trends.

Life Expectancy uses data from the OHID Fingertips website to extract OHID indicators. 

Section 1: The 50 plus population of Lambeth (PDF, 2.6MB)

Communities, connections, and neighbourhoods

Through insights gathered from an annual survey of Lambeth residents, as well as nationally published OHID indicators we look at the themes of connectedness, housing, income, employment, civic participation, outdoor spaces, and social inclusion within the community. 

Survey responses provide a snapshot of social bonds and community relationships. While the survey is a valuable tool, variations in response rates and potential biases must be considered.

Residents' experiences shape targeted interventions, policy development, and resource allocation, fostering a collaborative approach directly addressing community needs. Incorporating diverse perspectives enhances the effectiveness of public health initiatives, ensuring they align with the lived realities of Lambeth's residents and promoting a more inclusive, responsive, and resilient community.

Section 2: Communities, connections, and neighbourhoods (PDF, 2MB)

Health and Wellbeing

This section uses OHID indicators to gain insight into hospital admissions because of alcohol consumption, causes of death, dementia, hospital admissions due to falls, osteoarthritis and osteoporosis, sight loss, and carer well-being. This insight can be used to inform targeted interventions and align public health strategies with community needs and experiences. 

Considerations around these indicators include when the data used to generate the indicator was collected and any potential COVID-19 impacts from collecting data.

Section 3: Health and Wellbeing (PDF, 8.4MB)

Adult social care

This section combines demographic insights into Lambeth adult social care service users, quantitative short- and long-term measures of service care use, as well as qualitative measures from the Adult Social Care Survey.

The Adult Social Care Outcomes Framework (ASCOF) measures outcomes that matter to individuals, locally and nationally, using various data sources. It concentrates on enhancing quality of life, delaying and reducing the need for care, ensuring positive care experiences, and safeguarding vulnerable adults.

ASCOF reports data at national and regional levels, integrating information from local authorities and the NHS in England.

Section 4: Adult social care (PDF, 1.9MB)

Health and Wellbeing services

This section utilizes OHID indicators to explore the provision of NHS health checks, cancer screenings, and vaccinations for Lambeth's 50 plus population. 

Comparative analyses with other local authorities, London, and England offer valuable insights. The data and insight can be used to inform targeted interventions and align public health strategies with community needs. 

Considerations around these indicators include when the data used to generate the indicator was collected and any potential COVID-19 impacts from collecting this data.

Section 5: Health and Wellbeing services (PDF, 2.8MB)

External JSNA materials

OHID Productive Healthy Ageing Profile

This tool provides data and further information on a wide range of topics relevant to our health as we age. Indicators can be examined at local, regional and/or national level.

View the Office for Health Improvement & Disparities - Productive Healthy Ageing Profile

OHID Palliative and End of Life Care Profile

These profiles have been developed by the National End of Life Care Intelligence Network (NEoLCIN) to improve the availability and accessibility of information and intelligence around palliative and end of life care. They provide an overview across multiple geographies in England to support commissioning and planning of local services.

View the Office for Health Improvement & Disparities - Palliative and End of Life Care Profile