Costs for this service
We are proposing further emissions-based charges. A consultation will commence from 26 January 2024 until 23 February 2024 on our proposals to make changes to our parking charges. This includes:
- Introducing Emissions to Doctors, Teachers, Business-all zone, Business-single zone and Motorcycle Resident Permits
- Introducing Diesel Surcharge to Euro 6 Compliant vehicles for all permit types
- Introducing a multi-permit surcharge of £75 to resident permits
To view detailed plans of the proposals please visit the council website, Have your say
Please note: This does not include Estate Parking Permits.
Vehicle parking permit costs
The cost of a parking permit depends on the emissions the vehicle produces (CO2 g/km) or the engine size (CC) of your vehicle. Details can be found on the Residents' parking permit page.
Estate parking permit costs
All estate permits are valid for 12 months and cost £31.79.
Motorbike parking permit costs
Details can be found on the Residents' parking permit page.
How to pay
You can pay by cheque, postal order or debit/credit card. Cheques and postal orders should be made payable to 'London Borough of Lambeth'.