Dangerous trees
Under the duty of care landowners (or sometimes their tenants) are responsible for the safety of their trees. If you are concerned about a tree on private land the following steps are recommended:
- Write to the occupier and tree owner sharing your concerns and asking them to have the tree checked by an arboriculturist. If that fails;
- Seek advice from an independent arboriculturist and or third party mediation. If that fails;
- Consider legal advice. It may be possible to secure a court injunction requiring the owner to deal with the tree
The council has discretionary powers under section 23 of the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act, 1976 to deal with danger to persons or property from a tree on private land.
Anyone making a request for council action should:
- Clearly explain why they consider the tree likely to harm persons or property, if possible, provide photographs.
- Set out the steps already taken to identify and contact the owner. This can include a log or conversations, copies of letters etc.
The Government’s Land Registry provides land owner details. To request council assistance with a dangerous tree on private land please email: Planningconservation@lambeth.gov.uk.
Dangerous protected (TPO or conservation area) trees
For emergency situations, the regulations require the council be given five days notice in writing of any emergency TPO works.
Written notice should include, the location and species of the tree, the TPO number, the threat and the justification for the work, and should be emailed to planningconservation@lambeth.gov.uk.