Reuse and recycling centres

Reuse and recycling centres allow Lambeth residents to dispose of a wide range of reusable and recyclable items for free. 

Lambeth reuse and recycling centre

Lambeth reuse and recycling centre is only available for Lambeth residents. If you want to visit, you must book an appointment and bring proof of your identification and Lambeth address.

Only items for recycling or reuse are accepted, you cannot dispose of rubbish at this site. Commercial waste cannot be brought to this site. Vans and commercial vehicles will not be admitted, and are not allowed to unload outside the site.


Vale Street, West Norwood, London SE27 9PA 

Please note that we are temporarily unable to accept cooking oil or engine oil at this site. If you wish to dispose of oil, please go to Smugglers Way. Details can be found on the next page.

View map

Book an appointment

You must book a time slot if you wish to visit the site in a vehicle.

Book a time slot to visit the reuse and recycling centre

Why we introduced a booking system

We introduced a booking system for the following reasons:

Reduce queuing 

Long traffic queues can form at Vale Street during busy periods. This can be an issue for other traffic users and can affect neighbouring residents and local businesses. The booking system aims to even out the number of visitors to the site.

Reduce usage by non-Lambeth residents

The booking system aims to reduce usage from members of the public or businesses from outside of Lambeth. This will help to reduce waste tonnage and costs to Council Tax payers.

Contact us

Contact us if you have any questions about your visit:

Bring identification and proof of address

You must bring photo identification and proof of your Lambeth address, every time you visit.

Photo identification can include

  • passport
  • full or provisional UK driving licence
  • EU photocard driving licence
  • national identity card (non-UK nationals)
  • Freedom Pass

Proof of your Lambeth address can include: 

  • recent council tax bill
  • drivers licence
  • household bill
  • parking permit
  • recent bank statement
  • rent or mortgage statement
  • tenancy agreement

Opening times

Monday7.30am to 4.30pm
Thursday7.30am to 4.30pm
Friday7.30am to 4.30pm
Saturday8am to 5pm
Sunday8am to 5pm
Christmas dayClosed
Boxing dayClosed

The centre is closed everyday between midday and 1pm. 

Waste you can bring

This site is for reuse and recycling only. We do not accept rubbish for disposal. If you need to dispose of rubbish that you cannot put in your normal rubbish collection, you can:

We can accept these items, which may be reused or recycled:

  • aluminium foil
  • batteries
  • bicycles
  • books
  • water filters
  • car batteries
  • cardboard and paper
  • CDs
  • clothes
  • DVDs
  • electrical items
  • fire extinguishers (empty)
  • food and drink cans
  • food and drink cartons
  • garden hand tools
  • garden waste (vegetation only - no logs)
  • gas bottles
  • glass bottles and jars
  • hard plastics
  • lightbulbs and tubes
  • mobile phones
  • printer cartridges
  • scrap metal
  • shoes
  • wood

Site rules

  • cars should be driver-only where possible
  • if you need help unloading, our staff can assist
  • no children are allowed unless they remain inside the vehicle
  • no pets allowed
  • visitors should wear appropriate clothing, for example, closed shoes and long trousers
  • compost bins and Pro-Grow compost are not available for sale