Agreed syllabus for religious education
The Lambeth Agreed Syllabus is the method by which that law is implemented in Lambeth schools. We wish to thank the Waltham Forest and Greenwich Agreed Syllabus Conferences on whose work this material is based.
This syllabus has taken on board national initiatives and materials, including the Qualifications and Curriculum Authority's (QCA) Non-statutory Framework for religious education (2004). This has been done so that teachers and pupils might benefit from the most up-to-date advice and guidance.
An Agreed Syllabus is for all pupils. Members of the Agreed Syllabus Conference keep this principle at the heart of their work, endeavouring to remember and address the needs of pupils of all faith and cultural backgrounds, genders, disabilities or special needs. Our syllabus has been written for all of them. All pupils must see that those things that matter to them most, in terms of faith and culture, are valued and protected by this syllabus.
The Lambeth agreed syllabus is available to download via the documents below.