Lambeth SACRE (Standing Advisory Council on Religious Education)
The Education Act 1996 states that every local authority (LA) must set up a Standing Advisory Council on Religious Education (SACRE).
This has responsibility to advise the LA on matters concerned with the provision of religious education and collective worship. This provision was continued in the School Standards and Framework Act 1998.
The Lambeth SACRE, therefore, is the statutory body whose role is to advise Lambeth Council on religious education and collective worship in Lambeth schools.
Who is in SACRE?
In order to bring a wide range of interests and talents to this work, every SACRE is made up of four groups, which by law are made up of representatives from various groups:
- Group A - Christian denominations (other than the Church of England) and other religions and religious denominations represented in the LA.
- Group B - the Church of England including, where possible, a representative of the Director of Education of the Diocese.
- Group C - teachers’ professional associations.
- Group D - the local authority.
What does SACRE do?
SACRE meets at least four times annually.
At every meeting, members of SACRE do some, or all, of the following:
- Update their knowledge, consider and comment on national initiatives and issues related to RE, pupils’ personal development, community cohesion and collective worship.
- Consider and respond to information or advice from their adviser or national bodies.
- Where available, review sections from any current OFSTED reports commenting on RE and collective worship, in order to gain information about standards of these areas.
- Consider and respond to applications from schools to amend the legal framework for collective worship in their schools.
- Work on the production of support materials for schools.
- Review and advise on training being provided for RE teachers.
- Develop or maintain links with and between local and national faith communities.
- Produce an annual report of their work.
- Produce occasional advice where necessary, to support schools at times of local, national or international difficulty.
SACRE can request a review of our current local religious education syllabus.
Within its statutory responsibilities, SACRE focuses on supporting and enhancing the provision of high-quality RE within Lambeth schools where the agreed syllabus is in use.
It encourages the provision of high-quality in-service training for those responsible for the delivery of RE.
Annual Report
Meeting Papers
SACRE meetings are open to the members of the public who can observe.
January 2024
July 2023
December 2022
June 2022
March 2022
February 2022
November 2021
If you are interested in finding out more about Lambeth SACRE, contact Maria Gabrielczyk, Clerk to Lambeth SACRE:
- Phone: 078 0889 9653
- Email: