You'll need to make an in-year primary school application if:
- you are seeking a school place for your child for the current academic year
- your child lives in Lambeth and doesn't currently have a school place
- your child has a school place but you want to transfer them to another school, after school has started in September
- you have recently arrived in Lambeth and you have school-aged children.
Please see the guidance below if:
- you're moving out of Lambeth
- your child has an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP)
- your child has been permanently excluded from a school.
In-year admissions explained
The Lambeth Primary School In-Year Admissions booklet explains how in-year applications are made within the borough.
Download In-Year Admissions booklet
The Lambeth School Admissions Team only process applications for Lambeth community schools and Oasis Academy Johanna. Applications for other Lambeth schools must be made directly to the school using their own form.
For applications for schools in other boroughs, please find out their application process by contacting the school or the relevant local council.
It is advisable that you visit the school(s) that you wish to apply for. You may also wish to look at a school's Ofsted report.
If your child is on the register of a London state school, you and a senior member of school staff also need to complete an in-year transfer form before you submit your In-Year Common Application Form (iCAF). We explain this on the next page.
If you're moving out of Lambeth
If you are moving away from Lambeth and need to find a new school for your child, you will need to apply to the local authority for the area that you are moving to. You can find out who your new local authority will be on GOV.UK.
Children with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND)
If your child has an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP), and you wish for them to change school, you will need to discuss this with your child's home borough SEND Team.
Permanently excluded children
If you're looking for a new school because your child has been permanently excluded from a school, you should not apply through the in-year process.
Instead, if you are a Lambeth resident, please contact the Inclusion Team to discuss revised educational arrangements as detailed in the permanent exclusion letter issued.
- Phone: 020 7926 6928
- Email:
If you don't live in Lambeth, you should contact your home local authority for support and guidance about the next steps.