Education support for pupils who are too ill to attend policy

There are duties applicable to schools and LAs in terms of supporting pupils that are classed as too ill to attend school. 

Supporting the education of ill pupils applies regardless as to whether the pupil receives education via an Academy, Mainstream school, Free school, Independent school or is not on a school roll.

In most instances short term and occasional illness would be supported by schools and require no LA intervention, this would also be applicable for those attending a Hospital and receiving education on site while present.

Where illnesses would mean 15 school days absence or more and continuing absences there would need to be an approach to the LA for consideration of the potential need for support.

School support

Schools are expected to support a pupil’s education whenever absences are for shorter periods and there is an expectation that policies and procedures are in place to determine what will occur. It is recommended that schools publish their policies on their websites and have information available at hand for parents.

General absences that relate to medical issues should be authorised in the usual manner with supporting evidence secured where appropriate. If there are queries or concerns the school can contact their allocated Education Welfare Officer (EWO) or the Attendance team Manager:

Patrick Ackason


Tel: 020 7926 8626

When there is a concern that an absence period will be longer term schools would need to liaise with the pupil’s family and medical professionals to secure evidence of the illness and to demonstrate that attendance cannot occur for medical reasons.

There is a need for close working between the school, the family/pupil, the LA, and medical professionals in order that there is cooperation in terms of securing evidence, status updates and to ensure that the pupil reintegrates back to full time, mainstream, education at the earliest opportunity. Information needs to be shared between all parties to ensure that all are aware of developments and to ensure that the status does not drift.

In the event of a pupil having a ‘looked after’ status then the LA or carer would fulfil the position of the parent within any discussions and arrangements.

If it has determined that there could be a need for an Education Health & Care Plan (EHC) schools should commence the application processes at the earliest opportunity to ensure that a Plan is created to support pupil needs in the long term.

Schools cannot remove a pupil from their roll due to illness and all schools must ensure that the pupil remains on roll throughout the period of non-attendance. Schools are advised to take note of the Off-Rolling regulations as any instances of removal without revised education being in place will be challenged at the point of notification.

Local Authority support

The LA has a duty to support compulsory school aged pupils under Section 19 of the Education Act 1996 for those who are too ill to attend and would not receive suitable education. Support should be as close to a full-time arrangement depending on the pupil’s best interests. There is no definition of when this support must occur however support should be arranged as soon as it has been identified that the support is required.

Referral process

The process is supported and assessed via Lambeth’s Inclusion team and initial enquiries should be made through:


Tel: 020 7926 6928

To assess the case and determine support the following information should be submitted in the first instance:  

  • Medical professional evidence of an attendance block detailing the reasons for nonattendance and absence periods
  • Attendance summary
  • Attendance and illness history detailing absences up to the point of referral
  • Common Assessment Framework (CAF) form providing a case overview
  • Details of school support provided to the pupil
  • Contact points for all involved parties so they can provide updates and be aware of the case status throughout the period of support
  • Potential risk issues including any to the tutor providing support

Inclusion will assess the referral details to ensure that all information has been received and check LA systems to cross reference information and secure a full picture of the case prior to providing confirmation of the outcome and next steps.

Tutor support

Where agreed, Inclusion will arrange a tutor via an external company and provide them with a summary of the pupil issues/status/support required in order that the support may commence.

The tutor will contact the family to make an introduction and arrange that the support begins. Full family buy in is required as the tutor will attend the home for the days/times specified and the LA will be charged accordingly regardless of engagement.

The tutors will observe and report on any issues or concerns identified and provide a termly report in terms of outcomes.


All involved parties need to work together to ensure that reintegration occurs without delay, subject to the pupil’s health status. There should be no drift and family reliance on the tutoring as a standard means of education as a return to mainstream attendance needs to occur as soon as it has been evidenced as being apt.

Schools would need to demonstrate a reintegration plans that offers a phased return by increasing the hours/days attending while reducing the level of external educational support. Tuition in this form is intended to be of short-term duration thus enabling the pupil to return and achieve as their counterparts and be in receipt of both educational and social development.

Schools would need to assess and arrange any additional support required to bring the pupil back up to speed at the point of their return, so they have not been penalised by their absence. This may also involve support from the school nurse and/or making reasonable adjustments for accessibility.

Schools should also have consideration in relation to those reaching the point of examination entry and whether there needs to be an application to awarding bodies for special arrangements.

National Guidance: DfE’s Ensuring a good education for children who cannot attend school because of health needs 2013

Other source documentation/guidance/legislation:

School support - Illness and your child's education

School support - Supporting pupils with medical conditions at school

Local Authority support

Admissions register deletions

Alternative provision guidance

School behaviour and attendance

Education Act 1996

Equality Act 2010

Other Lambeth team links

Special Educational Needs (SEN)

Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS)

Information Advice & Support Services (IASS) / Parent Partnership

Attendance/Education Welfare