School governors

Use this guide to learn more about what a school governor’s role is, and apply to become a school governor.

Information for school governors

Lambeth Council offers both school-based training to meet your needs and borough-wide courses on topics ranging from an extensive induction course for new governors, through to courses on key issues connected with the governing body's role in monitoring, evaluation and performance management.

We provide management advice and support to headteachers and governors. Services are provided to schools on a buy-back basis.

We offer:

  • an in-depth knowledge of the law and practice affecting governing bodies and schools
  • knowledge of issues developing nationally that will affect governing bodies and headteachers, and extensive networking across the Local Education Authorities and Department for Education to raise issues and obtain answers
  • advice and support for governors and headteachers based on best practice experience
  • tailor-made school-based courses, central courses on key topics and nationally recognised trainers.

The services we provide include:

  • the governor training and development programme covering governors' core responsibilities and new local and national initiatives and school-based sessions tailored to the needs of individual governing bodies
  • a termly report to school governors and headteachers from the Executive Director of Lambeth’s Children and Young People’s Service (CYPS) – Working Together – which includes written briefings on current national and local issues and examples of good practice
  • a telephone and email advice service on all issues in relation to school governance.


Further information

For further information about school governance in Lambeth visit the Lambeth Schools Partnership Governor Support and Training page.