
Key partnerships at Lambeth

Combating Drugs Partnership

The Combating Drugs Partnership (CDP) is a multi-agency forum created to implement the national drug strategy From harm to hope.

The CDP brings together partners to work within and across Lambeth to reduce drug-related harm, combat illegal drugs and the harm they cause in the community, and ensures local delivery as well as performance reports to local and central government.

The CDP provides a single setting for understanding and addressing shared challenges related to drug-related harm, based on the local context and need.

The CDP oversees and delivers against a set of 6 national outcomes:

  1. Reduce drug use
  2. Reduce drug-related crime
  3. Reduce drug-related deaths and harm
  4. Reduce drug supply
  5. Increasing engagement in drug treatment
  6. Improving drug recovery outcomes

Chair and membership

The group is chaired by the Lambeth Senior Reporting Officer (currently the Director of Public Health) and has a core membership of representatives from;

  • Local authority
  • Public health, substance misuse team, supported housing community safety, public protection, social care
  • Central South Basic Command Unit (BCU) Metropolitan Police 
  • HM Prison and Probation Service
  • Department for Work and Pensions 
  • South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust
  • Treatment providers for adults, children, and young people
  • Lambeth Service User Council
  • The secure estate, such as prisons, young offender institutions (YOIs)

The partnership also engages and works with other key stakeholders as and when required and had developed a CDP Delivery Plan for all partners to work towards. 

Duties and functions

The CDP will focus on delivering 3 strategic priorities:

  1. Break drug supply chains
  2. Deliver a world-class treatment and recovery system
  3. Achieve a shift in the demand for drugs

In addition to the main CDP board meetings, several work streams are set up to focus on key areas of our local ambitions which are derived from local needs assessments, the delivery plan, and the substance misuse dashboard which tracks progress on key desired outcomes.

We are currently developing the CDP webpages to offer access to various information and progress reports. Should you require more specific information on the CDP and its activities in the meantime, please contact