
Key partnerships at Lambeth

Lambeth Strategic Partnership Launched

The Lambeth Strategic Partnership brings together a range of key partners, including local anchor institutions, foundations, charities and businesses across a variety of sectors, to work together and deliver for Lambeth.

It exists to create a strategic, joint-working approach to delivering the outcomes laid out in Lambeth 2030 and strengthen our collective voice for Lambeth’s communities and organisations. 

By building closer working relationships between a wide range of partners, the Lambeth Strategic Partnership will equip the borough to react to its most significant short-term challenges and opportunities, as well as plan for the longer-term. 

The three main functions of the Lambeth Strategic Partnership are: 

  1. Delivering Lambeth 2030 - overseeing the implementation of our borough plan, Lambeth 2030, driving action to achieve our ambitions and outcomes for the people of Lambeth. The three main ambitions of Lambeth 2030, linked by our golden thread of equity and justice, are:
    • Making Lambeth neighbourhoods fit for the future.
    • Making Lambeth one of the safest boroughs in London.
    • Making Lambeth a place we can all call home.
  2. Cross-sector collaboration- the partnership is a space for information sharing and networking, to generate new possibilities and identify collective lobbying asks, as we seek to strengthen our collective voice both regionally and nationally. 
  3. Responding to external factors - the partnership will also have the flexibility to re-prioritise areas of focus, beyond those outlined in Lambeth 2030, collectively responding with early engagement of key issues. 

The Lambeth Strategic Partnership will be chaired by Cllr Claire Holland (Leader of Lambeth Council) and a partner leadership group. Meetings take place once every 2 or 3 months and will be administered by Lambeth Council’s Strategy and Impact Team.

The Terms of Reference (PDF 239KB) outlines and summarises the expected roles and responsibilities of all members. We will publish the agreed work plan for the year ahead and subsequent measurements and evaluations in due course. More than ever, effective partnership working is important to ensure that our collective actions are efficient and impactful for our residents. Lambeth Council looks forward to working closely with our partners under this new framework to achieve this.

If you have any questions about the Lambeth Strategic Partnership, please email