Making a complaint
If you have contacted the relevant service already and your issue has not been resolved, you can complete a complaints form.
Please include the following details:
- a clear description of the complaint
- information on whether it is an original complaint or a follow-up
- what you need from us to resolve the issue
- your name, telephone number, address and email.
We aim to respond to complaints within 25 working days.
Complaints about children's social care
If you have any concerns, please speak to the appropriate member of staff as soon as possible. You could also contact their manager to discuss your dissatisfaction.
If you have contacted the service already, or you would prefer to submit a formal complaint, you can complete an online form. We will aim to respond to you within 20 working days.
Telephone: 020 7926 9777
Make a complaint about children's social care
Appeals, disputes and exceptions to the complaints procedure
Some of our appeals and disputes are handled outside of our usual complaints procedure. This could be where an alternative process, such as a statutory appeals process, exists.