Financial information

This section contains financial information including the Statement of Accounts, Pay Policy, Council Tax, Parking Account and expenditure over £500.

Budget Books

The Budget Book gives details of the budget. It summarises our budgets at departmental and divisional levels, key service aims and the major savings and growth proposals. 

It illustrates, at divisional level, the financial impact of the budget proposed by Cabinet to Council.

Budget Book 2012-13
Budget Book 2011-12
Budget Book 2010-11
Budget Book 2009-10

Up until 2012/13, a budget book was published. This practice ceased in 2013/14, however, a new look budget book has been produced for 2024/25.

Budget Book 2024/25 (PDF, 1.02MB)

The council’s budget is approved each year in late February or early March for the upcoming new financial year commencing that April. 

View budget reports and other decisions made by the Cabinet.