There are 2 ways that you can obtain information and advice about equipment that can help you:
- Help for Independent living website
- Assessment by Assessors and Occupational Therapists (OTs)
Help for Independent Living website
Our Help for Independent Living website is a self-assessment tool where you can get access to information and advice on equipment to support you to be independent with daily living tasks within your home.
You will be ask you a few short questions about any areas that you have difficulty with, such as bathing, dressing, preparing meals, or doing household chores. Based on your responses, it will provide you with information and suggested equipment items that can help. It will also provide places where you can buy the equipment yourself if you wish.
Assessment by assessors and occupational therapists (OTs)
We employ assessors and occupational therapists who are trained to give advice and carry out an assessment to see what equipment and adaptations are needed to help you, your child, or someone you support to live independently within your home.
They may speak to you over the telephone and visit you at home to discuss what you are having difficulty with.
They can support by:
- providing advice and information, or referring you onto more relevant services, such as community rehabilitation, falls services or reablement.
- providing equipment to help you get in and out of your bath.
- raising the height of the your bed or chair if you have difficulty getting up from sitting because of stiff hips and knees.
- making your home safer for you to move around, for example, by fitting handrails or a ramp.
This assessment will also help those who support and care for you to be able to continue to care for you.
Additionally, OTs can assess for complex and specialised equipment and major adaptations to support you, if you have complex needs or significant physical disabilities.
How to request an assessment
To request an assessment by an assessor or OT, contact us:
For children
Occupational therapy & speech and language therapy
For adults
Online referral form (for professionals making a referral only)
Call 020 7926 5555:
- Select Adults, then
- Option 1 (for those with no current adult social care service)
- Option 2 (for those with an adult social care service)
- Option 3 (safeguarding matters only)
- Option 4 (all other enquiries)
After the assessment
Following an assessment at home, disability equipment may be given to you to aid your independence or help your carer look after you at home. This equipment is provided on loan for as long as you need it.
Some examples of disability equipment are:
- bath-boards
- raised toilet seats
- portable ramps
- hoists
Community equipment provider
Community equipment in Lambeth is provided by a company called NRS Healthcare Ltd.
If equipment is faulty and in need of repair or replacement, or for collection if no longer being used, you can contact NRS by:
- phone on 0300 100 0253
- email at
For any other queries regarding your equipment, contact the Adult Social Care Team on 020 7926 5555:
- select Adults, then
- option 1 (for those with no current adult social care service)
- option 2 (for those with an adult social care service)
- option 3 (safeguarding matters only)
- option 4 (all other enquiries).
Other equipment providers
There are other professionals who can provide equipment if needed such as a nurse, physiotherapist, etc.
Equipment such as hospital beds, commodes or pressure care equipment can be provided by community nursing. Contact your GP or district nurse if one is already involved in your care.
If you are in hospital, the hospital discharge team will arrange for any equipment you need to be safe living at home.
Adult social care services do not provide or arrange wheelchair services for residents, as this is a specialist health provision. NHS wheelchairs can be accessed through your GP who will refer you to the GSTT wheelchair service.
If you are assessed as needing a wheelchair, you'll be provided with one that fits your needs.
You can also hire or borrow a wheelchair for short periods, such as for single or short trips. To find out more, contact the British Red Cross by:
- phone on 0344 871 1111
- email at
Incontinence equipment
Incontinence is the inability to control bladder or bowel functions.
If you have problems with your bladder or bowels and need an assessment, your GP can refer to the bowel and bladder nurse for an assessment. If you already have a district nurse, you can ask them to refer you to the bowel and bladder nurse.
To assist with managing difficulties in these areas, there are products and devices available which include:
- pads and pants
- catheters and penile sheaths (also known as a conveen)
- skincare and hygiene products
Major adaptations to your home
Sometimes, following an assessment by an occupational therapist or occupational therapy assistant, equipment provided may not meet your needs anymore and they may assess you to need a major change to a room in your home to help you to be independent. For example, changing the bathroom to a wet floor shower.
For more information on major adaptations, please see our major adaptations and Disabled Facilities Grants (DFG) webpage.