- Parking
- Streets, roads and transport
Please note this consultation is closed
We are proposing increases to parking charges based on the carbon dioxide emissions produced by vehicles, to reflect the negative impact that polluting vehicles have on our air quality, health, and climate.
Studies have shown air pollution kills up to 4,100 people in London each year, and that pollution from motor vehicles alone costs the NHS in London £603million a year in additional healthcare costs. Read more about the health burden of air pollution in London.
You will be charged according to the car tax band of your vehicle, which is based on the CO2 emissions it produces.
The proposals are expected to contribute to a reduction in the amount of motor vehicle usage in Lambeth. They will encourage sustainable alternatives, such as public transport, cycling and walking, and incentivise remaining motor vehicle use by vehicles that emit less carbon.
We need to act now to protect our health and our climate, by reducing emissions from road transport.
Road transport is a major source of harmful air pollution in Lambeth which is dangerous to us all, especially the young, old and people with health conditions like asthma. The impacts of poor air quality are not felt equally across our communities either, as we know that poorer households are less likely to own a vehicle yet are more likely to live in an area with poor air quality.
A recent King’s College London study also showed how pollutants from vehicles are linked to increases in the risk of high blood pressure in teenagers, and we know from other studies that it stunts the growth of our children’s lungs. At multiple locations across the borough air pollution still exceeds legal limits and World Health Organisation targets, despite improvements in recent years.
According to the London Atmospheric Emissions Inventory, road transport is responsible for 44% of harmful nitrogen dioxide emissions, which causes inflammation of the airways that can make lung and heart conditions worse. It is also responsible for 31% of PM2.5 and 27% of PM10 emissions. PM2.5 and PM10 are miniscule particles which are invisible to the naked eye and small enough to pass through the lungs, into the bloodstream, and into your organs. Exposure to PM2.5 can cause illnesses like asthma, COPD, coronary heart disease, stroke, and lung cancer.
This is why we all need to continue working together to clean up our air. By 2030, we want Lambeth to be a net zero compatible borough, meaning we are as close as possible to zero overall emissions, by prioritising emissions reductions, and compensating for any remaining emissions through offsetting activities, such as planting trees.
Taking this action will deliver tangible benefits to Lambeth’s communities, from revitalising our natural spaces with biodiversity, to streets that are quieter and safer for walking and cycling and accessing public transport.
Our Kerbside Strategy, published in January 2023, is an important part of this transition to safer and more equal use of our street space. We have committed to make 25% of our kerbside (the space typically used for car parking) sustainable by 2030, hosting things like bike parking, parklets, electric vehicle charging and car club spaces. We’re also investing in action to help people start cycling, our Big Shift programme includes free bike maintenance, affordable bikes and low-cost rental of cargo bikes for residents and businesses. The Mayor of London has also announced an important new scrappage scheme for owners of the most polluting vehicles.
The proposal
Lambeth is therefore proposing, via changes to our traffic order, to:
- amend the emissions banding structure for resident parking permits
- introduce emission band charging for on street and off-street paid for parking
- increase diesel surcharges for all permit types
- increase resident and trader parking voucher charges
See details of the changes to the charges (PDF 201KB)
See our consultation documents for more information:
How to respond
Representations for and against the proposals described in this notice can be submitted online by completing our survey.
Complete our changes to emissions-based parking charges survey
Alternatively, you can submit your representation in writing, quoting reference 'Parking Fees Review', and send it to:
Barbara Poulter
Parking and Enforcement Group (Resident Services)
London Borough of Lambeth
P.O. Box 734
Winchester S023 5DG
Representation must be made no later than 10 March 2023.
Objections must relate only to the elements of the scheme that are subject to this statutory consultation.
All representations, along with officers’ comments and recommendations, will be presented in a final report to be considered by the council.
A copy of the proposed orders and other documents giving detailed particulars about them are available for inspection on our Traffic Management Orders webpage and at Lambeth Council's Parking and Enforcement Group (Resident Services), 3rd Floor, Civic Centre, 6 Brixton Hill, London SW2 1EG between 9.30am and 4.30pm on Mondays to Fridays inclusive (except on bank/public holidays), until the last day of a period of six weeks beginning with the date on which the orders are made or, as the case may be, the council decides not to make the orders. To arrange inspection please call 020 7926 0209 or email Trafficorders@lambeth.gov.uk.
Once the consultation has closed, responses will be analysed and the Cabinet Member for Sustainable Lambeth and Clean Air will consider these as part of their decision. If a decision is taken to proceed with the proposal, it is likely to be put in place in May 2023.