Keeping you informed about your rent account
We send all tenants a rent account statement every three months.
This is similar to a bank statement and will show:
- your weekly rent charges
- the payments you have made
- any housing benefit payments that have been paid on your behalf, if appropriate
- the balance of your account up to the date the letter was sent. This will tell you how much you owe us if you are in arrears, or how much your account is in credit.
To view your rent statement and balance online, register with Lambeth Tenant account. You can create an account using your rent payment reference number. This is a 9 digit number and usually begins with a number 6 or 7.
Alternatively, you can get up to date balance or request a statement using one of the following:
- Text the word BAL and your PAYMENT REFERENCE to 0780 0006116 to get your account balance
- Email