Our impact

Historically, most health research focuses on biomedical and healthcare research. For example, treatment of diseases.  

However, there is a shift in focus towards the prevention of disease, and the complex issues that affect our health and wellbeing. This approach considers a much wider range of factors that influence our health.  

The council plays a significant role in these wide-ranging factors and with the support of the NIHR we hope to address this imbalance by building our own research capacity that has a much broader focus. 

Impact of research collaborations 

By becoming a Health Determinants Research Collaboration (HDRC) we can conduct research on issues that matter to our residents, particularly those facing the most disadvantage and discrimination. We can develop innovative and integrated approaches that get to the root of our health and wellbeing.  

Like most local authorities, the council is having to do more with less resources. Lambeth HEART will support council colleagues make evidence-based decisions around how to use these limited resources in the best way.  

In practice, this means NIHR funding for Lambeth HEART is dedicated to building research infrastructure and cannot be used for delivering interventions or council services.