How we make our decision
Our final decision on an application can be made either:
- under delegated powers
- by the Planning Applications Committee.
Under the terms of reference set out in the council’s constitution, the Planning Applications Committee have given delegated powers to senior planning officers to make the final decision on applications for smaller-scale developments (for example, alterations and small extensions to existing properties, conversions, and straightforward changes of use) or refusals of permission. Delegated decisions can be made more quickly and efficiently as they do not have to wait their turn to be heard at the Planning Applications Committee.
Our Planning Applications Committee meets every three or four weeks and is open to the public. The applications decided there are usually larger-scale developments, or controversial changes of use such as applications involving takeaway uses, that have been recommended for approval. Full details of the working of the committee (including the committee members), the terms of reference, a calendar of meetings, and a full list of applications that will be determined by the committee, are available on our Planning Applications Committee pages.
Once a decision is made, formal decision letters are sent out to the applicant and all objectors as soon as possible.
You can check whether a decision on a particular application has been made by using our online planning application database. To do this, you will require the address of the application site or, preferably, the correct application reference number.