Pre-application planning advice and planning performance agreements
Pre-application discussions allow an applicant to 'test the waters' on the likely acceptability of a scheme, and provide early indications of our view of a development.
The benefits of pre-application planning advice:
- Helps understanding of how our policies will be applied to your proposal.
- You will have input from the Design and Conservation, Policy and Transport Planning teams where needed.
- Makes it easier to put together proposals for formal submission, which, if you follow the advice of planning officers, should be handled more quickly and be more likely to be accepted.
- It can reduce the time that you or your professional advisors spend working up your planning proposals.
- It tells you if a proposal is unacceptable and, where appropriate, gives guidance on improving its quality.
A planning officer will be allocated to assess your application and may also take expert advice from other council colleagues. They will provide you with a full written response within a set time frame which is usually dependent on the category of pre-application that you have submitted. Please see guidance and fees for further details.
Pre-application advice is not compulsory and may not be appropriate for all schemes. However, the council actively encourages pre-application discussions for all appropriate types of development proposals, before submission for formal consideration.
Whether or not you decide to apply for pre-application advice, we do recommend that you discuss your proposed development with your neighbours before submitting a formal application, particularly if they may be impacted by the development or the works to construct it.
You may also want to consider employing an architect or planning agent to help you develop your plans. Architects and planning agents may also be able to advise if you will need planning permission or any other formal consents, and help you to submit your application.
For more detailed information and to apply for this service, visit our pre-application planning advice webpage.
Advice for listed buildings and conservation areas
You can apply for planning advice before making an application on a listed building or conservation area.
This service isn't compulsory, but can benefit you with advice on:
- the heritage planning policy context which your planning application will be judged against
- the established best practice in relation to historic buildings and areas
- the council’s view on the conservation area context in terms of its significance/character and appearance
- the council’s view on what elements could contribute to the significance or special interest of the listed building
- how likely it is that your application will be accepted
- how amendments to the proposal may improve it.
This service is for planning proposals which need:
- listed building consent
- planning permission for a development within a conservation area which is not already covered by the council’s standard planning pre-application process.
Planning Performance Agreements (PPAs) for larger projects
If you are considering a larger, more complicated development, you can consider a Planning Performance Agreement (PPA). This is a project management framework where you meet with the planning service and other interested parties before submitting a planning application, and discuss and agree how a scheme will go through the planning process.
The two parties agree a time frame for scoping out and developing the scheme. The main point of a PPA is to do as much as possible before submitting a planning application, so that the application proposal is of a high quality.
Benefits of PPAs:
- A more efficient use of resources for developers and local authorities.
- Better and more transparent engagement.
- Collaborative working.
- Setting a realistic timetable relevant for the size and complexity of the application and defining key milestones.
- Identifying and reviewing problems in advance.
- Making it easier for stakeholders to collaborate by providing a formal framework.
If a PPA is entered into, members of the council will be openly and appropriately engaged with the development, while ensuring that their decision-making function is not compromised. Where appropriate, at the pre-application stage, a PPA scheme may be presented to the council's Strategic Panel.
For larger and more complex schemes, members of the Planning Applications Committee may receive a technical briefing after the application has been submitted but prior to determination at the committee meeting itself.
More information about our approach to PPAs can be found in our PPA Charter (PDF, 87.7KB).
Resourcing the project
The level of resource needed for a PPA will depend on the complexity of the scheme. As a bespoke service, there will be a charge for this service and this will be negotiated with you before work starts on the project.
Contact us
If you are interested in entering into a PPA, contact:
Shane Baker, Head of Strategic Applications