Community and corporate volunteering in Lambeth parks

Community volunteering parks

We actively welcome and encourage residents of and visitors to Lambeth to volunteer in our parks and other open spaces. Many of these sites have active 'Friends of' groups or are looking to establish such a group, in order to help look after a particular site. You could also volunteer to help support and develop a Friends group, such as becoming a committee member (e.g. Treasurer, Secretary, etc.) or in helping them lead various working groups such as gardening, nature conservation and running events.

However, we also run our own directly managed projects and activities; the key activities we welcome volunteering in include nature conservation, improving access for both people and nature, and in helping restore and improve many of the features and facilities on site. 

For more information or to register an interest in volunteering in one of Lambeth's parks, commons and other open spaces - including us putting in contact with one of our Friends groups, please contact us at

Corporate volunteering in parks

Want to get your work colleagues active together outdoors as a volunteer team, and help make Lambeth Parks fabulous for people and wildlife?

Lambeth Parks offers a facilitated corporate and employee volunteer service for all businesses and organisations across London.

Our professional and friendly staff will help your organization create a rewarding volunteering experience in our parks, whether it be a one day ‘off the peg’ task event, or a more sustained programme of sponsorship across one or more parks.

Your team will not only enjoy the benefits of being active and working together outside of the normal workplace but will also have a positive, long-lasting impact to the parks and the communities they support.

Get your team into action!

  • Please download the attached corporate volunteering brochure below, in order to find out more about the service and what we can offer your team of volunteers ​​​​​​
  • To register your interest, please fill out our online form below, and we will get back to you to discuss your needs and what projects and tasks you can get involved with.

Do it online

Register your interest