About the Mayor

Find out what the Mayor, Leader and Cabinet do for Lambeth Council, and how to contact them. See which events the mayor will be attending.

The Cabinet

Leader of the Council, Councillor Claire Holland

Cllr Claire Holland

Councillor Holland is responsible for setting the overall political and strategic direction for the council; acts as the lead spokesperson and manages external relations including with Government, the Greater London Assembly and local and regional bodies; as well as managing the council’s relations with key stakeholders, partners and investors and holding the council’s Chief Executive to account. 

Councillor Holland chairs the Lambeth Strategic Partnership (LSP) which will implement Lambeth’s ambitious Lambeth 2030: Our Future, Our Lambeth. The LSP brings together key anchor institutions, foundations, businesses and charity sector partners across a variety of sectors, creating a strategic, joint-working approach to delivering the outcomes laid out in Lambeth 2030 and builds our collective voice for Lambeth’s communities and organisations. 

The Leader oversees communications and public awareness campaigns. She is responsible for ensuring the implementation of the Administration’s manifesto commitments and core council strategies, including Lambeth 2030: Our Future, Our Lambeth. She leads on the council’s work to deliver the recommendations of the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse and the support to survivors through the Lambeth Children’s Home Redress scheme. 

She also leads on investment and growth in the borough including overseeing delivery of our economic resilience strategy and attracting inward investment across our growth sectors including medical technology and life sciences, digital and creative sectors, and the new low carbon economy. She leads on regeneration schemes across the borough including Growing Brixton’s Rec Quarter, Waterloo, West Norwood, Vauxhall Nine Elms Battersea partnership, Waterloo station masterplan and SC1

Deputy leaders

Working with the Leader of the Council, the Deputy Leaders work across all areas providing support in the political and strategic leadership of the council.

Deputy Leader (Sustainable Lambeth and Clean Air), Councillor Rezina Chowdhury 

Cllr Rezina Chowdhury

Councillor Chowdhury will be responsible for driving forward the council’s response to the climate and ecological crisis, ensuring that this response is centred on the Administration’s commitment to equity and increasing the economic resilience and wellbeing of Lambeth's residents as part of a just transition to a net-zero future for the borough. She will lead on engaging, mobilising and working with partners and the community through Lambeth’s Climate Partnership to facilitate collective action. This includes working with and holding to account partners to deliver Lambeth’s Climate Action Plan. 

She will oversee the delivery of the borough's Climate Action Plan and Corporate Carbon Reduction Plan. She will oversee the day-to-day delivery of the work underway to decarbonise buildings and energy systems in Lambeth, as well as Lambeth's efforts to reduce waste and advance the circular economy. She will lead efforts to adapt Lambeth to and mitigate against the worsening impacts of our changing climate and prepare the borough so that it is fit for the challenges of the future.


Responsible for:  

She will oversee the delivery of Lambeth's ambitious Transport Strategy, advancing active and sustainable mobilities in the borough by reshaping our streets and neighbourhoods in the favour of sustainable modes of travel. This includes driving forward infrastructure changes such as delivering Lambeth’s healthy routes and low traffic neighbourhood programmes; working with and lobbying Transport for London and private rail providers to improve the frequency, reliability and accessibility of public transport as well as widening inclusion and access to active travel through enhanced cycle training, new grant programmes and the installation of 5,000 new cycle storage spaces. In addition, Councillor Chowdhury will lead the delivery of actions within Lambeth’s Air Quality Action Plan in line with the borough’s commitment to stringent air quality targets as well as overseeing Lambeth Council’s largest ever tree planting programme. Responsible for: 

  • Delivery and reporting of progress towards the actions in Lambeth’s Climate Action Plan. 
  • Reshaping Lambeth’s streets to deliver equitable, inclusive, healthy and safe neighbourhoods, including improving accessibility, walking, scooting, cycling and wheeling infrastructure by delivering Lambeth’s Transport Strategy including its healthy routes and low traffic neighbourhood strategies. 
  • Improving air quality and overseeing the delivery of the council’s new Air Quality Action Plan. 
  • Increasing recycling rates, the reduction of residual waste and overseeing the council’s strategy to deliver a circular economy in Lambeth, as well as improving the cleanliness of Lambeth’s streets. 
  • Overseeing the implementation of the Kerbside Strategy in Lambeth that promotes a more diverse use of kerbside space in the borough and gives more space to community uses in line with the Lambeth’s Climate Action Plan. 
  • Overseeing the management of parking services in Lambeth including plans to prioritise disabled parking and expand controlled parking zones. 
  • Strategic transport planning and transport infrastructure, delivering local transport schemes and lobbying for improvements and increased access to Lambeth’s public transport network. 
  • Utilities and contractor relations. 
  • Overseeing the development and delivery of the council’s sustainable urban drainage programme to reduce flood risk and increase biodiversity in Lambeth. 
  • Overseeing community gardening and food growing in public spaces. 
  • Overseeing the delivery of the Hostile Vehicle Mitigation programme 
  • Oversee the development and delivery of Lambeth’s ambitious tree planting programme, with over 5,000 trees to be planted in the borough.

Deputy Leader (Housing, Investment and New Homes), Councillor Danny Adilypour

Cllr Danny Adilypour

Councillor Danny Adilypour is responsible for the delivery of housing in Lambeth, encompassing both managing housing services including repairs provided to our tenants and leaseholders, as well as the delivery of new homes in the borough. 

He is responsible for the council’s ambitious programme of building new genuinely affordable homes at council rent including leading the transition of the council’s wholly owned housing company, Homes for Lambeth, back into the council and for delivering the council’s New Homes Programme. He leads on delivering the council’s newly adopted Housing Strategy, including working with tenants and leaseholders, tackling homelessness, and delivering better and decent homes for all tenants. He will ensure that the council delivers the best quality service to our tenants through a programme of investment and by taking action against repairs contractors where they fall short. 

He is responsible for delivering the Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Strategy, which aims to prevent homelessness, improve the supply and sustainability of Temporary Accommodation and ensure that all people sleeping rough in Lambeth are supported off the streets and assisted in improving their lives. He will be responsible for lobbying the government for investment in Lambeth and London's housing stock. 

Councillor Adilypour will be the lead member for planning and lead on strategic infrastructure and the delivery of new and genuinely affordable homes for Lambeth residents. He is responsible for ensuring that Lambeth’s planning policy delivers sustainable growth that meets residents’ needs, maximises the number of genuinely affordable new homes for local people, and ensure that the benefits from growth are fairly shared and reinvested in areas across the borough.

Responsible for: 

  • Housing management services 
  • Leadership of the borough’s New Homes Programme. 
  • Lead member for Planning. 
  • Working with partners, including housing associations, to deliver more affordable homes. 
  • Overseeing the borough’s strategic infrastructure needs and investing in community-led projects in areas of increased growth through taxes on private development projects.
  • Fire safety in Lambeth’s social housing stock and managing housing’s capital investment programme. 
  • Overseeing the management of the Housing Revenue Account, together with the Cabinet Member for Finance. 
  • Tackling homelessness and rough sleeping by delivering our Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Strategy and overseeing investment in better advice and support for people facing homelessness. 
  • Overseeing the delivery of resident boards and estate action plans to give tenants opportunities to scrutinise the performance of contractors and the housing service. 
  • The council’s older people’s housing schemes sheltered housing and extra care housing across the borough. 
  • Overseeing the delivery of estate improvements, making them more sustainable, safer and healthier for residents.  

Cabinet Member for Finance and Cost of Living, Councillor David Amos 

Cllr David Amos

Councillor David Amos is responsible for oversight of the council’s strategic financial management. This includes setting a balanced budget and monitoring the delivery of the capital investment programme. The council faces significant financial pressure over the next few years as a result of continued central government funding cuts, the costs of Covid-19, and supporting our residents through the cost of living crisis. 

Councillor David Amos is responsible for ensuring the council’s financial strategy can meet reforms to local government finance, including business rates reform. He leads on the capital investment strategy, ensuring investment supports the delivery of the key outcomes identified in Lambeth 2030: Our Future, Our Lambeth, and on generating new income through investment, opportunity asset sites and adopting a corporate commercial framework or trading approach where appropriate. 

Councillor David Amos leads on driving social value and opportunities for residents from the council’s investments in services.

Responsible for:  

  • The council's financial strategy, including budget setting, budget monitoring, financial policy and performance. 
  • Revenue collection, business rates, council tax and benefits and Council Tax Support (CTS) underpinned by the council’s Income and Debt Strategy. 
  • Generating new income through investment, opportunity asset sites and adopting a corporate commercial framework or trading approach where appropriate. 
  • Capital investment programme, property management and asset strategies. 
  • Ensuring the council’s commissioning and procurement strategies deliver value for money and high quality services, including considering in-house delivery as a first option, and providing social value through all its activity and contracts, including the Social Value Fund.
  • Overseeing the management of the Housing Revenue Account and finances relating to Homes for Lambeth, together with the Deputy Leader (Planning Strategy, Investment and Housing Delivery) 
  • Workforce matters including Human Resources and Trade Union relations

Cabinet Member for Children and Young People, Councillor Ben Kind 

Cllr Ben Kind

Councillor Ben Kind is responsible for delivering our commitment to giving young people the best start in life. That includes the statutory role of lead member for children’s services, powers and duties in relation to looked after children, and our commitment to improving the care of the borough’s most vulnerable and at risk children and young people. 

Responsible for:  

  • Statutory lead member for children’s services role, including responsibility for corporate parenting, child protection, children with disabilities and protecting children from sexual exploitation. 
  • Commissioning Children and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) with Lambeth Clinical Commissioning Group. 
  • Tackling child poverty and increasing social mobility and opportunities for young people in Lambeth, including leading on our partnership work with Lambeth Citizens to deliver the recommendations of the ‘Building Better Futures’ report. 
  • Overseeing the Raising the Game and Somos programmes to narrow the attainment gap and reduce the exclusion rate in some of our most disadvantaged communities, expanding the programme to more schools and other groups such as our Spanish-speaking and Latin communities. 
  • Commissioning of early years’ services, including children’s centres, and one-o-clock clubs. 
  • Education and schools, including educational achievement and attainment, special educational needs, sufficiency of places and promoting inclusion. 
  • Campaigning for fairer funding for Lambeth schools. 
  • Leading on the council’s work towards becoming a UNICEF Child Friendly Borough.

Cabinet Member for Healthier Communities (job share) Councillor Jim Dickson and Councillor Jacqui Dyer

Cllrs Jim Dickson and Jacqui Dyer

Councillors Dickson and Dyer are responsible for working to ensure safe, efficient and effective public health and adult social services that are as joined-up as possible with the local NHS. Their strategic focus is to reduce health inequalities so that more residents enjoy longer, healthier and independent lives. 

They are responsible for deepening integration between adult social care and health services to deliver more efficient and joined-up services and leading on how the council and its partners work together to improve outcomes and reduce health inequalities. 

They will lead on the administration’s manifesto commitment to make Lambeth an Age Friendly Borough. They are responsible for promoting public health in all polices, preventative healthcare, healthy lifestyles, preventing disease and improving general health.  

Responsible for:  

  • Statutory responsibility for adult social care of older people, people with disabilities and those with mental health issues.
  • Safeguarding and monitoring performance of all aspects of social care services for adults across the council and its partners. 
  • Leading on the work to reduce health inequalities, as identified by the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment. 
  • Public Health services and promoting public health in all policies. 
  • Leading on the Pan-London HIV prevention programme and the Lambeth, Southwark and Lewisham sexual health strategy. 
  • Delivering the carers’ strategy to improve the quality of life, health and wellbeing of carers. 
  • Integrating health and adult social care with NHS bodies. 
  • Overseeing nationally directed changes to adult social care. Working collaboratively with partners on the provision of mental health services. 
  • Supporting implementation of the Health and Wellbeing Strategy, supporting how the council and its partners work together to improve outcomes and reduce health inequalities, with particular attention to mental health. 
  • Implementation of the council’s Strategy to address Food Poverty and continuing action to develop further our successful Food Partnership. 
  • Ensuring the council is effectively planning and delivering long term care for people with disabilities, including those children who require support throughout their lives.
  • Oversight of substance misuse services and implementation of the suicide prevention strategy.
  • Leading efforts to support organisations and community groups to tackle loneliness and social isolation across the borough via the Lambeth Together Care Partnership and introduce a good neighbour befriending scheme to support older people and disabled people. 
  • Oversee the implementation of Lambeth’s All Age Autism Strategy 
  • Ensuring the implementation of the Ethical Care Charter to support Lambeth’s care workers and plans to improve home care provided to Lambeth residents. 
  • Leading Lambeth’s commitment to welcome refugees and those fleeing persecution, including asylum support, nationally directed refugee schemes and the administration’s commitment to becoming a Borough of Sanctuary. 
  • Lead the development of the council’s Age Friendly Lambeth work.

Cabinet Member for Economic Inclusion Councillor Marcia Cameron

Cllr Marcia Cameron

Delivering a growing and inclusive economy is essential to supporting Lambeth’s residents after the impact of the Covid-19 and cost of living economic shocks over the recent years. Councillor Cameron will lead on spreading opportunities and building our economic resilience to make Lambeth the best place to live, work and do business for everyone regardless of their background. Councillor Cameron is responsible for the borough’s economic development and growth, ensuring that Lambeth is a good place for all its businesses and residents to thrive, and is responsible for the council’s ambitious agenda to increase jobs, skills, training and apprenticeships for Lambeth residents.

Responsible for: 

  • Leadership on economic development including boosting trade in high streets, town centres and working with BIDs to improve services for businesses. 
  • Joint delivery with the Leader of our economic resilience strategy and attracting inward investment across our growth sectors including medical technology and life sciences, digital and creative sectors, and the new low carbon economy. 
  • Overseeing the council’s employment programmes and creating affordable workspace to provide increased opportunities for the long-term unemployed, those with complex needs, vulnerable adults, and people with disabilities. 
  • Overseeing the development of a boroughwide Lambeth night-time strategy to help our high streets thrive and to support night time workers. 
  • The council’s commitments as a London Living Wage employer. 
  • The council’s commitments to make Lambeth a London Living Wage Place by encouraging all Lambeth businesses to pay the Living Wage. Ensuring development and delivery of our apprenticeship programme in order to achieve our target of creating 2,500 apprenticeship opportunities over the course of four years. 
  • Adult learning, training and skills and overseeing the provision of adult education courses, such as ESOL and maths 
  • Post-16 education, training and skills for employment in schools, colleges and other settings.  
  • Overseeing the implementation of the Employment and Skills Strategy, which includes collaborative oversight through the borough’s Employment and Skills Board. 
  • Overseeing delivery of Lambeth’s UK Shared Prosperity Fund programmes and projects.

Cabinet Member for Safer Communities, Councillor Mahamed Hashi 

Cllr Mahamed Hashi

Keeping Lambeth residents safe is our top priority: Councillor Hashi will lead on our work with our communities, the police, our partners and the Mayor of London to combat crime in Lambeth. That includes all violence and in particular violence which impacts our children and young people, community safety, crime reduction programmes, tackling violence against women and girls and tackling anti-social behaviour and hate crime.

Councillor Hashi will lead on holding the police to account for how they police our communities, how they rebuild trust and again learn how to police by consent. As part of this he will ensure a mapping exercise, and where necessary a refresh, of accountability organisations is undertaken in conjunction with the local police and our communities. He will lead on facilitating our communities to have a dialogue with the police and co-produce the Lambeth police action plan in response to the Casey Report. 

Councillor Hashi is also responsible for delivering the council’s commitments to improving the quality and security of the private rented sector, delivering our licensing schemes and enforcement to drive up the standard of the private rented sector in Lambeth and reduce the anti-social behaviour associated with poorly managed private rented housing.

Responsible for:   

  • The council’s work employing a public health approach to tackling the root causes of violent crime. 
  • Supporting local communities to know how to report racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic, ableist and antireligious hate crime and harassment. 
  • The Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG) Strategy 
  • Overseeing the Youth Justice Service, gang intervention work and chairing the Safer Lambeth Partnership. 
  • Overseeing the council's enforcement functions including Licensing, anti-social behaviour, trading standards, public protection and noise nuisance. 
  • Ensuring police are held to account with regard to deployment of police resources and the functioning of Safer Neighbourhood police panels, by challenging unfair and discriminatory stop and searches and ensuring that appropriate training takes place to tackle discrimination in the police. 
  • Build our community engagement, where local diverse voices can be heard on crime, community safety and opportunities for young people. 
  • Leading on the development of the council’s youth offer. This includes overseeing commissioning and delivery of youth and play services including adventure playgrounds, working with voluntary and community sector providers to deliver excellent services and ensure that young people are at the heart of decision-making on their services.
  • Supporting the Lambeth Youth Council to be the best advocates and scrutineers they can be on behalf of Lambeth’s young people. 
  • Holding the police to account on behalf of Lambeth communities to work for transparent policing by consent. 
  • Improving the advice and support available to people living in the private rented sector. 
  • Registered Social Landlords, House of Multiple Occupation (HMO) licensing, and the expansion of the Council’s landlord licensing and targeted selective licensing scheme as part of our package of measures to support and protect private renters.

Cabinet Member for Stronger Communities, Councillor Donatus Anyanwu 

Cllr Donatus Anyanwu

Councillor Donatus Anyanwu is responsible for leading on the council’s relationship with and support to the voluntary and community sector, working with key partners in Lambeth to deliver on the outcomes in our Borough Plan. He is responsible for working with the voluntary sector, community hubs, faith groups and community forums to deliver the borough’s voluntary sector strategy, working with local groups to strengthen our communities and working with Lambeth Funders Forum to share best practice. 

He also leads on the council’s ambitious neighbourhood working to shift the Council and our partners culturally and structurally toward a closer working relationship with each other and the public at the neighbourhood level. He is also responsible for celebrating our borough’s diversity and supporting the Windrush generation’s campaign for justice. 

Councillor Anyanwu works with cultural sector and community groups to support the thriving arts and cultural communities. He is responsible for Lambeth’s library and leisure services. 

Councillor Anyanwu is responsible for the delivery of the administration’s bold manifesto commitment to ensure every neighbourhood has a turn up and play for free sports facility as well as the chairing of our Sports Partnership to deliver on inclusive and accessible sports facilities for all residents. He is also responsible for working with strategic partners to ensure our world leading cultural services are supported and connected to our communities.

Responsible for:  

  • Lambeth’s work to support and bolster the voluntary sector in the borough, including the delivery of the voluntary and community sector asset strategy. 
  • Support for community groups, including the Lambeth Forum Network and faith groups. 
  • Ensuring the voluntary sector has the opportunity to thrive, increasing funds and resources into the borough, as well as overseeing the support service available for local groups. 
  • Expanding the council’s volunteering offer and ensuring the appropriate support is available for Team Lambeth, the Council’s volunteering brokerage system. 
  • Ensuring Lambeth’s VCS organisations and volunteers immense contributions are recognised and celebrated through the Lambeth Civic Awards. 
  • Working with the Windrush generation to continue to campaign and fight for justice for all those impacted by the Government’s cruel hostile environment policies. 
  • Celebrating our borough’s diversity, including leading on delivering the annual Windrush Day. 
  • Overseeing leisure provision in Lambeth, including delivery of the Sports and Leisure and the Active Lambeth Strategy, ensuring residents are healthier and have ample access to leisure and sports opportunities. 
  • Protecting and investing in our libraries. 
  • Overseeing the development of a new modern archives service for the borough. 
  • Working with organisations in the borough’s thriving arts and cultural communities. 
  • The council’s events strategy and reviewing the delivery of major events in the borough. 
  • Chairing Lambeth’s Strategic Sports Partnership

Cabinet Member for Equalities, Governance and Change (job share) Councillor Fred Cowell and Councillor Nanda Manley-Browne

Cllr Cowell and Manley-Browne

Our Lambeth 2030 aspirations place a significant premium on coming together as One Lambeth, being ambitious for our borough and changing the way we work with the community as partners to bring about change. They are responsible for performance management and driving forward work to make Lambeth more equal by systematically embedding equalities into the council’s decision making processes, to support the delivery of the administration’s manifesto commitments and the council’s work programmes. 

They will also be responsible for leading the council’s work anti-poverty work to support residents through the cost of living crisis and beyond, and leading the council’s commitment as a London Living Wage Employer and efforts to make Lambeth a Living Wage Place by encouraging all businesses to pay the London Living Wage and working with the Cabinet Member for Economic Inclusion to achieve this. 

Councillors Cowell and Manley-Browne will also lead on protecting and enhancing Lambeth's award-winning parks and open spaces through our multi-million-pound parks capital investment programme, working local communities to increase biodiversity and accessibility.

Responsible for:

  • Maintaining and enhancing Lambeth’s award-winning parks and open spaces by overseeing the council’s £10 million parks capital investment plan and, working with the Deputy Leader (Sustainable Lambeth and Clean Air), delivering the Biodiversity Action Plan and Pollinator Action Plan. 
  • Supporting residents impacted by the cost of living crisis, including co-ordinating support across the council to increase resident’s financial resilience. 
  • Working with the Cabinet Member for Economic Inclusion to make sure the implementation of Lambeth as a Living Wage Place is effectively rolled out as part of our cost of living response. 
  • Performance management across the council.  
  • Improving customer service and residents’ experience by providing a responsive telephone and digital service and reducing waiting times. 
  • Improving the council’s services and increasing digital inclusion through the council’s Digital Strategy. 
  • Democratic Services, including electoral registration and legal services. 
  • Registrars, cemeteries and crematorium services. 
  • Overseeing and chairing the Equalities Impact Assessment panel and leading on the council’s Equalities, Diversity and Inclusion agenda working with the Cabinet Member for Finance to improve workforce equality and opportunities for all staff.

These are the principal responsibilities of the Cabinet Members. The Leader of the Council may delegate others to them. 

Deputy Cabinet Members are responsible for working closely with the appropriate Cabinet Member, undertaking specific projects to drive process in these areas and deputising where agreed.

The role of Policy Leads is to support the delivery of the council’s key priorities. They support policy development and implementation and underpin joint working at Cabinet level by engaging with external stakeholders and backbench councillors on key policy areas.  

Councillor Irfan Mohammed

Deputy Cabinet Member for Economic Inclusion; reporting to Councillor Marcia Cameron

Responsible for:  

  • Working with Business Investment Districts to support local businesses, ensure the council’s services are more business-friendly and building the economic recovery in our town centres. 
  • Supporting Lambeth businesses to become Living Wage Accredited employers. 
  • Delivery of Small Business Week and the Shop Safe, Shop Local campaign

Councillor David Bridson 

Deputy Cabinet Member for Planning Strategy, Investment and Housing Delivery; reporting to Councillor Danny Adilypour

Responsible for:  

  • Ensuring estate action plans are in place and delivered across the borough to drive up the quality of housing for Lambeth tenants and leaseholders. 
  • Delivery of Lambeth’s Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Strategy. 
  • A review of services provided on our estates to Lambeth tenants and leaseholders, ensuring fair and equitable provision and value for money.

Councillor Saleha Jaffer 

Deputy Cabinet Member for Stronger Communities; reporting to Councillor Donatus Anyanwu

Responsible for:  

  • Engagement with Lambeth’s faith communities and community groups, working with Councillor Anyanwu and the Leader of the Council ensuring all our communities feel confident in safe and equal access to our services and in contributing to a thriving borough. 
  • To work with Lambeth’s faith communities and the council to ensure that key celebrations and events for Lambeth’s faith communities are reflected in the events programme and communications of the council. 
  • To harness the power of our partnerships with community groups and faith communities by regular engagement with faith and community leaders to ensure the needs and potential contributions of our diverse communities are reflected in the work of the council.

Councillor Tim Windle

Deputy Cabinet Member for Planning Strategy, Investment and Housing Delivery; reporting to Councillor Danny Adilypour

Responsible for:  

  • Working with tenants and residents' associations and local councillors to ensure the voice of tenants and residents are at the heart of our work to improve housing in Lambeth.
  • Leading on the council’s Allocations Policy, ensuring improvements are implemented and that it is reviewed and upto date.

Councillor Tina Valcarcel  

Policy Lead for Disabilities; reporting to Councillor Fred Cowell and Councillor Nanda Manley-Browne

Responsible for:  

  • Engagement with and advocacy for the sector. 
  • Delivery and publicity on the disability strands of Lambeth Together and carers strategy. 
  • Ensuring relevant aspects of the Equalities strategy are delivered. 
  • Ensuring disability groups are actively included in consultations, particularly around strategy and policy formation

Councillor Issa Issa   

Policy Lead for Post-16; reporting to Councillor Marcia Cameron

Responsible for:  

  • Supporting oversight and delivery of the employment and skills strategy with a focus on post-16 education. 
  • Ensuring the delivery of apprenticeships and employment opportunities with a focus on support for care leavers.
  • Building relationships and engaging with local employment providers.

Councillor Ibtisam Adem

Policy Lead for Sanctuary Seekers and Migrants; reporting to Councillor Jim Dickson and Councillor Jacqui Dyer

Responsible for: 

  • Identifying ways to improve the welfare and life chances of all Lambeth migrants and sanctuary seekers working with council officers and the VCS. 
  • Assisting in maintaining open communications between migrants, sanctuary seekers and the council. 
  • Ensuring key events and celebrations of our sanctuary seeking community are reflected in the council’s events programme and communications. 
  • Supporting the cabinet member to ensure we retain our Borough of Sanctuary status, working with community groups so that our sanctuary seekers are able to continue to contribute to a thriving borough.


Councillor Isla Wrathmell - Active Travel 

Councillor Diogo Costa- Digital Strategy & Inclusion 

Councillor Pauline George - Tackling Violence Affecting Young People 

Councillor Henna Shah -Tackling Violence Against Women & Girls 

Councillor Alison Inglis -Jones- Food Poverty 

Councillor Joanne Simpson - Animal Welfare 

Councillor Judith Cavanagh - Young People’s Advocacy 

Councillor Jess Leigh - Armed Forces 

Councillor Verity McGivern - Age Friendly Borough

Group Officers  

Labour Group Group

Group Leader: Councillor Claire Holland 

Deputy Leader: Councillor Rezina Chowdhury 

Deputy Leader (Statutory): Councillor Danny Adilypour

Chief Whip: Councillor Scarlett O’Hara 

Deputy Chief Whip: Councillor James Bryan 

Liberal Democrats

Group Leader: Councillor Donna Harris

Deputy Leader: Councillor Matthew Bryant

Whip: Councillor Ben Curtis

Green Group

Group Leader: Councillor Scott Ainslie

Councillor Donna Harris Deputy Leader: Councillor Matthew Bryant Whip: Councillor Ben Curtis Green Group Group Leader: