Brixton is an important cultural destination, with its vibrant outdoor and indoor markets, venues, restaurants and shops attracting locals and tourists alike. The town is seeing significant growth and increases in value.
Change to maximise benefit to local people includes the following:
- Somerleyton Road: This will provide round 300 new homes, a new theatre, community and employment space and the opportunity for the council to establish a housing cooperative.
- Your New Town Hall: This will reduce Lambeth Council's core office buildings from 14 to 2, saving at least £4.5m a year. It will also and deliver much needed new facilities and 194 new homes, including 40% affordable housing.
- Brixton Central: This is a major expansion of the town core, to include a significant uplift in employment, retail and residential, alongside side potential improvements to the train station and a leisure offer.
- Brixton Townscape Heritage Initiative: This is delivering transformation upgrades to important historic areas and buildings in the area surrounding Electric Avenue and Atlantic Road. We have committed £650,000 to the programme and have been awarded a further £1.95 million from the Heritage Lottery Fund.
To deliver benefits quickly and test future uses, an enterprise-focused 'meanwhile' programme has also been developed alongside each of these areas.
Working with businesses and communities to support the local economy is Brixton Business Improvement District.