
Browse our map to find out about our parks and what facilities they have on offer.

Displaying 11 - 15 of 15
  • Rush Common

    Rush Common, along with Max Roach Park, forms a valuable green corridor running between Brixton to Streatham.

  • Stockwell Skatepark

    A modern concrete-based skatepark facility located between Brixton and Stockwell.

  • Streatham Vale Park

    Streatham Vale Park is an important medium-sized open green space within a fairly urban area.

  • Vauxhall Park

    Located between Vauxhall and Stockwell, and serving a diverse and vibrant community, Vauxhall Park is a medium-sized Victorian park with a rich history.

  • Vauxhall Pleasure Gardens

    Vauxhall Pleasure Gardens is a medium-sized park located in the middle of Vauxhall, next to Vauxhall train and underground station and Vauxhall City Farm.